Governor Hochul Urges New Yorkers to Use Caution as Winter Weather Expected to Impact Travel in Some Locations Through Thursday Morning

Governor Kathy Hochul today urged New Yorkers to use caution this evening and through the Thursday morning commute as freezing rain and subsequent icy conditions are forecast to impact portions of the state. Several counties in the North Country, Mohawk Valley, Capital, and Mid-Hudson regions are expected to be impacted with wintry weather, especially in higher elevations. Starting this evening, light snow and sleet are expected to transition to rain and freezing rain, creating icy conditions for the Thursday morning commute. Icy conditions are most likely to occur on elevated surfaces such as bridges and overpasses as well as untreated roadways, with the greatest ice accretion expected across higher elevations. Some locations could see total snow accumulations of up to one inch and ice accumulations of around one-quarter of an inch. Winds could gust up to 35 mph late Thursday morning and afternoon, which could cause isolated power outages in some locations.

“There is a chance of freezing rain and icy conditions starting early Thursday morning and could impact the morning commute in several places with dangerous travel conditions,” Governor Hochulsaid. “While New Yorkers are no strangers to adverse weather, I urge anyone planning to travel this evening or tomorrow to exercise caution and plan on a little extra time to get to where you are going. State agencies are prepared to assist local governments as needed throughout this winter weather event.”

Several Winter Weather Advisories have been issued in advance of the winter weather starting this evening and continuing through Thursday afternoon for some locations. For a complete listing of weather alerts and forecasts, visit the National Weather Service website at New Yorkers are encouraged to sign up for emergency alerts by subscribing to NY Alert at, a free service providing critical emergency information to your cell phone or computer.

State Agency Preparations

Department of Transportation
The State Department of Transportation is prepared to respond with over 3,500 operators and supervisors available statewide. Regional crews are currently engaged in snow and ice preparation activities and all equipment is ready to deploy as needed.

Statewide equipment numbers are as follows:

  • 1583 large plow trucks
  • 151 medium duty plows
  • 49 tow plows
  • 328 large loaders
  • 36 snow blowers

For real-time travel information, motorists should call 511 or visit or the mobile site at, New York State’s official traffic and travel information source.

Thruway Authority
The Thruway Authority is ready to respond to the winter storm with 667 operators and supervisors available statewide.

Statewide equipment numbers and resources are listed below:

  • 335 large and medium duty plow trucks
  • 10 tow plows
  • 62 loaders
  • More than 129,000 tons of salt on hand

Variable Message Signs and social media are utilized to alert motorists of winter weather conditions on the Thruway.

The Thruway Authority encourages motorists to download its mobile app, which is available for free on iPhone and Android devices. The app provides motorists direct access to real-time traffic information, live traffic cameras, and navigation assistance while on the go. Motorists can also sign up for TRANSalert e-mails which provide the latest traffic conditions along the Thruway.

Safety Tips

Some of the most important tips for safe driving include:

  • Do not drive unless necessary.
  • If you must travel, make sure your car is stocked with survival gear like blankets, a shovel, flashlight and extra batteries, extra warm clothing, set of tire chains, battery booster cables, quick energy foods and brightly colored cloth to use as a distress flag.
  • If you have a cell phone or other communications device such as a two-way radio available for your use, keep the battery charged and keep it with you whenever traveling. If you should become stranded, you will be able to call for help, advising rescuers of your location.
  • The leading cause of death and injuries during winter storms is transportation accidents. Before getting behind the wheel, make sure that your vehicle is clear of ice and snow; good vision is key to good driving. Plan your stops and keep more distance between cars. Be extra alert and remember that snowdrifts can hide smaller children. Always match your speed to the road and weather conditions.
  • It is important for motorists on all roads to note that snowplows travel at speeds up to 35 mph, which in many cases is lower than the posted speed limit, to ensure that salt being dispersed stays in the driving lanes and does not scatter off the roadways. Oftentimes on interstate highways, snowplows will operate side by side, as this is the most efficient and safe way to clear several lanes at one time.
  • Motorists and pedestrians should also keep in mind that snowplow drivers have limited lines of sight, and the size and weight of snowplows can make it very difficult to maneuver and stop quickly. Snow blowing from behind the plow can severely reduce visibility or cause whiteout conditions. Motorists should not attempt to pass snowplows or follow too closely. The safest place for motorists to drive is well behind the snowplows where the roadway is clear and salted. Never attempt to pass a snowplow while it’s operating.

Power Outages

  • Check with your utility to determine area repair schedules.
  • Turn off or unplug lights and appliances to prevent a circuit overload when service is restored; leave one light on to indicate when power has been restored.
  • If heat goes out during a winter storm, keep warm by closing off rooms you do not need.
  • To Report an Electric Outage, Call:
    • Central Hudson: 800-527-2714
    • Con Edison: 800-752-6633
    • National Grid: 800-867-5222
    • NYSEG: 800-572-1131
    • O&R: 877-434-4100
    • PSEG-LI: 800-490-0075
    • RG&E: 800-743-1701

Heating Safety

  • Use only safe sources of alternative heat such as a fireplace, small well-vented wood or coal stove or portable space heaters.
  • When using alternative heat sources such as a fireplace, woodstove, etc. always make sure you have proper ventilation. Always follow manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Keep curtains, towels, and potholders away from hot surfaces.
  • Have a fire extinguisher and smoke detectors and make sure they work.
  • If you use kerosene heaters to supplement your regular heating fuel, or as an emergency source of heat, follow these safety tips:
    • Follow the manufacturers’ instructions.
    • Use only the correct fuel for your unit.
    • Refuel outdoors only and only when the unit is cool.
    • Keep the heater at least three feet away from furniture and other flammable objects.
    • When using the heater, use fire safeguards and ventilate properly.

For more winter safety tips, visit For all non-emergency service needs in New York State before, during or after a storm, call 211 or visit

About the State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services
The Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services (DHSES) provides leadership, coordination, and support to prevent, protect against, prepare for, respond to, recover from, and mitigate disasters and other emergencies. For more information, follow @NYSDHSES on Facebook, Instagram, and X (formerly known as Twitter) or visit

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