The Oct. 31 Style article “Aging is aspirational in Philo’s brand” emphasized that fashion designer Phoebe Philo’s recent collection celebrates aging by normalizing the beauty of growing old in women. The article noted, “These pieces will look fine on everyone, but amazing on anyone over 40.” Although creating a collection centered on age encourages self-acceptance, a brand that makes aging “aspirational” limits self-expression by essentially stating that older women should dress a particular way: “easy, forgiving [and] modest.”
Fashion should be a vehicle for women’s empowerment, allowing women to embrace themselves authentically, regardless of their age. Creating clothing that supports the ageist movement in fashion creates a clear-cut division between those who are considered “old” and those considered “young” and dictates what they should wear, confining people into boxes. In reality, clothes have no age, and fashion has no rules.
Fashion is a mode of self-expression through which one can assert personality and confidence. Why put an age limit on it? Age shouldn’t be a determining factor in how women choose to dress and express themselves. Let’s promote inclusivity so people of all ages are allowed to express themselves freely.
Nithia Senthilnathan, Centreville