TISAX Level 3 data security certification awarded to Messring

Messring, a solutions provider of crash test systems and test tools for the validation of active vehicle safety systems for the automotive industry, has been awarded Level 3 TISAX (Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange) certification for its commitment to the highest standards of data security and privacy.

TISAX certification is an internationally recognized standard for information security in the automotive industry. It was developed to ensure that companies in this industry comply with the strictest security standards and practices. The successful certification proves that Messring meets “the strict requirements for the protection of its customers’ sensitive data and is therefore a trustworthy partner for the automotive industry”, the company says.

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The certification involves an audit of a company’s information security measures, including its infrastructure, processes and data protection practices. Messring has passed this demanding audit process and successfully demonstrated its ability to handle data securely.

Dierk Arp, CEO of Messring, said, “The successful TISAX certification is proof of our continued commitment to the highest standards not only in the area safer mobility, but also in data security. Data protection is of paramount importance as digital connectivity plays an increasingly important role in the automotive sector. We are proud to offer our customers this security.”

More and more automotive manufacturers, suppliers and service providers require a successful TISAX assessment as a mandatory condition for their tenders.

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