Judge Dismisses Ana De Armas’ Followers’ ‘Yesterday’ Lawsuit

Fans of Ana de Armas were very upset when they saw that she wasn’t in the movie they rented because they thought she was in it.

Ana de Armas wasn’t in a movie, even though she was in the trailer. People who liked her filed a case, but a US judge threw it out.

The actor from “Knives Out” made a brief appearance in the video for the 2019 movie “Yesterday,” which Conor Woulfe and Peter Michael Rosza said they rented for $3.99 (£3.16).

But when they found out that de Armas wasn’t in the movie, they sued Universal Pictures for false billing.

Because they “self-inflicted” their problems, the judge threw out their claim.

Danny Boyle’s movie about the Beatles stars Himesh Patel, Lily James, and Ed Sheeran. The movie made $155 million (£122 million) all over the world.

Before the movie came out, a video showed how Patel’s character and de Armas’s character seemed to flirt with each other on a talk show.

Screenwriter Richard Curtis said that the actress was taken out of the movie because test audiences didn’t like the idea of Patel’s character being different from James, who played his main love interest.

In 2019, he said that the choice was “very traumatic” because de Armas was “brilliant” in the role.

But Mr. Woulfe and Mr. Rosza said that Universal Pictures “deceived” them because they would not have rented the movie if they had known that de Armas would not be in it.

In the case, which was filed on behalf of other unhappy fans as a class action, the couple asked Universal for at least $5 million (£3.9 million).

They said that the studio used “Ms De Armas’s fame, radiance and brilliance to promote the film by including her scenes in the movie trailers advertising Yesterday.”

The people who complained said they had never seen a trailer before that showed a star or actress who wasn’t in the movie being advertised.

Mr. Woulfe said he was tricked twice when he rented the movie from Google Play and saw that de Armas was listed as a cast member.

Mr. Woulfe said that he thought de Armas might be in the movie if it was a director’s cut.

But the court said that he didn’t have the right to file a case because he “self-inflicted” his injury.
