Date Night in Beverly Hills for Jennifer Aniston and Chris Dixon

Jennifer Aniston recently went to Beverly Hills for a fun dinner date with Chris Dixon, who runs an internet business.

The popular actress from Friends was seen wearing a black dress with straps, stylish shoes, and classic jewelry.

Chris Dixon walked to his car looking very dapper in a grey shirt and blue jeans, which fit the event’s level of sophistication.

Observers noticed that the two left Funke at the same time, at 10:05 p.m., with Aniston leaving in her car and Dixon going to his own car with Aniston’s guardian.

Dixon is a general partner at the well-known venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz. Before joining Andreessen Horowitz in 2013, he worked at eBay, where he played a key role.

In his amazing list of accomplishments, he helped start and run two startups, SiteAdvisor and Hunch. SiteAdvisor, in particular, stood out because it specialized in internet security and warned users about security risks online.

Dixon’s journey into the world of programming started when he was a child. After college, he got a job as a programmer at Arbitrade, a high-speed options trading company.

Both of his degrees, a Bachelor’s and a Master’s in Philosophy from Columbia University and an MBA from Harvard, are very excellent.

Chris Dixon’s projected net worth of $400 million shows how smart he is as an entrepreneur and how much he has helped the tech industry.
