DURHAM, N.C. (WNCN) – It’s the latest in a string of mass car break-ins we’ve seen across the Triangle this year.
Durham police say nearly 20 vehicles were broken into early Tuesday morning in the parking lots of the Brizo Luxury Apartments. This crime comes after a summer in the city that saw several similar situations.
Officers are still investigating 35 car break-ins at the 605 West End apartment complex downtown from late July.
“[I] got in the car and started the car and then I basically was like why is all my stuff out of my glove box and my center console,” break-in victim, Ashley Koutras said.
Larry Smith, who is a former deputy chief with DPD, said there’s typically an increase in these crimes during the holiday season.
“There’s more people out shopping,” Smith said. “The shopping centers are full. People leave their packages in their cars where they can be seen which can lead to a break-in.”
During the final two months of last year, Durham police statistics show the city saw at least 382 car break-ins.
DPD reminds people to secure their vehicles and park in well-lit areas.
“All holiday season and on holiday season, just be sure you don’t leave anything of value in your car and particularly visible — computers, certainly not firearms, packages, anything like that,” Smith, the spokesman for the Durham County Fraternal Order of Police, said.
Police recently filed petitions for nine different juveniles in the string of summer break-ins in Durham.