The art of fat loss by lifestyle guru Luke Coutinho

While the festive mood continues, overindulgence should not. Many of those on the heavier side of the weighing scale often dream of magically losing the excess fat put on. The reality, though, is rude as they wake up to find clothes tighter than before.

“One cannot work against the body and expect to lose fat. One has to work with the body, giving it the fundamentals it needs to switch on its natural intelligence to lose excess fat, and do it with grace and patience,” says Luke Coutinho, integrative lifestyle expert, adding, “Over the past 13 years, we have witnessed countless body transformation stories. Some are extraordinary and speak volumes about the incredible potential our bodies hold when given the right environment.”


Based on his consultations with over 40,000 clients around the globe, Coutinho shares the most common mistakes people make while trying to shed those extra kilos.

Weight loss vs fat loss

One needs to understand the difference between the two. “You need to shift focus—aim to lose or burn fat, not weight. Why? Because you could be losing muscle mass, bone density or just water and feeling you are losing weight. You will have a bigger problem later. Weight loss alarms me, and fat loss inspires me,” explains Coutinho.

Stop starving yourself

Most people fast or starve in the hope of losing weight. “You need to know the difference. It is shocking but true. People are starving themselves in the name of fasting for fat loss,” says Coutinho. He explains it with an example. “Suppose I had a big meal today. I cannot say I will fast for the next 24 hours. You think it may help lose weight but all it does is make you more deficient in the micronutrients the body needs to burn that excess fat and rubbish you ate,” he says. “Starvation will slow down your metabolism and depress you because it creates the psychological effect of deprivation. Your survival depends on energy. When you cut its source out, it will pose a bigger problem.”

People have turned the art of fasting into a fad. “It needs to be done scientifically and smartly. Whether it is circadian rhythm, dry or intermittent fasting, try to maintain your timings. Don’t just start at 8 am today and then change your start time to 2 pm the next day just because it’s the weekend. By changing the timings, you are only confusing the biorhythm of your body,” cautions Coutinho.

Sleep deprivation causes weight gain

If you are sleep-deprived, you will struggle to lose fat no matter how clean your diet is or how much you work out. “We lose fat while we sleep. If you are among those who say they don’t have enough time, I challenge you. I can show—you have the time. You are just not using it effectively. We work with billionaires and help them find the time,” says Coutinho.

According to Coutinho, you need to identify and get rid of time-wasters. “Keep your bedtime and wake-up time consistent. Keep that window uncompromised. Some people say, ‘I wish I had 26 hours in a day’. No, absolutely not. The most successful people have 24 hours just like you do. It is all about prioritising. Focus on getting the deep and restorative sleep your body needs for fat loss,” he says.


Cardio isn’t enough

Coutinho emphasises on building lean muscle. “A lot of people just do cardio, thinking it will help fat loss. The science behind fat loss is building muscle. When I say this to people, they quickly say they don’t want to lift weights at the gym and build big buff muscles. But I am talking about building lean muscle—you can achieve this with simple bodyweight exercises at home, such as lunges, squats, push-ups, pull-ups, and playing a sport of your choice. The leaner muscle you have, the higher your metabolic rate. The higher your metabolic rate, the more you convert your body into a fat-burning machine,” he explains.

No extremes please

Coutinho advises against fads or adopting an extreme lifestyle. “You cannot punish your body by saying you will not eat any sugar or your favourite baked goodies. It’s not necessary. Some of our fittest clients are in their 90s, 80s, 70s and 60s. They have one commonality. They live in balance and do not adopt extremes. Like they will have a dessert but also keep their other fundamentals in place,” he says.

“So, if fat loss sounds like an achievable target but you are frustrated with all the complicated treatments, fat burners, overworking out, starvation diets and so on, it’s time you take a few steps back,” says Coutinho. Truly, it’s as simple as that.


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Published By:

Aditya Mohan Wig

Published On:

Nov 16, 2023

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