Music agency creates parody ‘Bravura’ drug ad to amplify its knack for pharma marketing scores

The new video ad for Bravu­ra seems to have it all — a re­as­sur­ing voiceover, tired and con­cerned pa­tients, an over­ly long list of po­ten­tial side ef­fects and mu­sic crescen­dos and fade­outs. The on­ly thing miss­ing is a re­al drug, and that’s be­cause “Bravu­ra” is a made-up med­i­cine for the fic­ti­tious con­di­tion of son­ic de­fi­cien­cy.

The ad, cre­at­ed by orig­i­nal mu­sic com­pos­ing and li­cens­ing agency Score a Score, is a par­o­dy that seeks to show­case the ins and outs of phar­ma mu­sic in TV com­mer­cials while al­so high­light­ing its ex­per­tise.

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