New Location and Needs for the Carbon County Food Bank

During the Carbon County Chamber of Commerce’s November luncheon, the community spotlight shined on the new Carbon County Food Bank. The food bank will soon be opening its new location on Fairgrounds Road in Price.

The food bank is operated by the Southeastern Utah Association of Local Governments, which recently rebranded to the Southeastern Regional Development Agency (SERDA). With the rebranding comes a new building for SERDA on Fairgrounds Road, complete with new office space and the food bank.

During the luncheon on Thursday, Julie Rosier, Equity and Community Services Director for SERDA, spoke on behalf of the food bank. She praised the community’s support of the food bank throughout the years, which has allowed them to serve hundreds of families and individuals annually.

“It is a very important service in our community,” Rosier said. “And it is a growing need.”

When the new location opens, visitors of the food bank will be greeted with a unique experience as the food bank implements a choice pantry setup. This will be similar to a grocery store and will allow visitors to choose the items they would like, which will result in more empowerment and less waste.

While the new location features improvements and more space, the need for community support continues to grow. Rosier said the food bank has been serving more people than ever since the pandemic, but that donations have slowed as most families in the community are battling food costs, inflation and personal expenses.

For example, as of Thursday, the Carbon County Food Bank had only one turkey in stock for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. Rosier said the food bank generally aims to have 250 turkeys on hand for the holiday, meaning many may go without this year. She encouraged those who are able to donate what they can to help those in need.

While food donations are always welcome, Rosier said there are other ways to help. The food bank also accepts monetary donations as well as volunteer hours to keep things running. She also stressed the importance of educating others about the food bank and its role in the community.

The Carbon County Food Bank will be transitioning in the coming days, but those interested in learning more are encouraged to call (435) 637-9232. The food bank is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m.

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