Shocking: Pink Defies Conservative Florida by Distributing Banned Books at Concert!

Pink, the singer, has taken a stand against the increasing withdrawal of books from American public schools by distributing some to her fans while in Florida.

The singer announced on Instagram that she would be distributing books banned from school libraries to her fans during her concerts in Miami and Sunrise, Florida. She expressed her concern over the nearly 6,000 banned books since the fall of 2021, with almost 40% of bans happening in Florida.

“As a mother of two young readers, I cannot stand the idea of someone else choosing what MY KIDS can or cannot read!” she added. She plans to give out banned books to the first thousand fans who request them at these two concerts as part of her Trustfall Tour.

Pink partnered with Books & Books and the organization Pen America, advocating for access to literature and freedom of expression, for this initiative. The books to be distributed include “The Family Book” by Todd Parr, “The Hill We Climb” by Amanda Gorman, “Beloved” by Toni Morrison, and “Girls Who Code,” a book from the organization of the same name aiming to encourage women to pursue scientific paths.

There’s been an ideological battle surrounding the books available in public schools in the US for several years, with conservative groups pushing for the removal of certain books. NPR reported that Florida has seen the highest number of book bans in the past school year, with 1,406 instances. New legislation in the state, such as the Parental Rights in Education Bill and the Stop WOKE Act, has made these bans possible.

In January 2022, a school board in Tennessee sparked controversy by banning “Maus” by Art Spiegel, a Pulitzer Prize-winning graphic novel about the Holocaust, citing “vulgar and inappropriate content.” This highlights the ongoing struggle over what books are deemed acceptable in American public schools.

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