Mercy Care for the Adirondacks hosts game night

Mercy Care Game Day enjoyed by Mercy Care friendship volunteers, elder friends, and St. Joe’s veterans and first responder residents.
(Provided photo)



LAKE PLACID — Mercy Care for the Adirondacks hosted its friendship volunteers, elder friends and St. Joe’s veterans and first responder residents for lunch and a game day at the First Presbyterian Church in Saranac Lake this past Wednesday.

Guests tested out new, reimagined, multi-generational versions of the classic board games Trivial Pursuit, Scrabble and Life.

The purpose of Mercy Care volunteers, elder friends and St. Joe’s veterans and first responder residents socializing together was to help ease isolation and loneliness people of all ages are experiencing, especially in the aftermath of COVID-19.

Mercy Care’s mission is to enhance in every dimension the fullness of life of elders living in this community.

“‘Creativity in Aging’ events are designed to offer elders we serve the opportunity to stay connected to their community,” Lexi Bevilacqua, Mercy Care program director, said. “Mercy Care hosts Creativity in Aging programs throughout the year in the Tri-Lakes area, open to all Mercy Care volunteers, parish nurses, elder friends, as well as Mercy Care’s mission extension partners’ volunteers and elder friends.

Katherine Rhodes, Mercy Care’s elder care manager, said she “loved hearing all the laughter and conversation as Mercy Care friends and St. Joe’s residents shared stories, food and fellowship.”

The next Mercy Care Friendship Volunteer Training Program is scheduled for Jan. 18, 2024 in Tupper Lake.

Those interested in becoming a Mercy Care friendship volunteer or parish nurse, or those who are an elder and in need of the services of a Mercy Care volunteer, can call Rhodes at 518-523-5585, email her at [email protected], or visit Mercy Care’s Website at

Mercy Care for the Adirondacks is located at 185 Old Military Road, Lake Placid.

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