MONTEREY – There will be several options available this week for families looking for ingredients and meal kits this holiday season.
The Food Bank for Monterey County plans to hand out 50,000 meal kits for families this week. They donated thousands of kits to 75 other nonprofit organizations and congregations in hopes of reaching families all over the county.
The Kiwanis Club of Monterey, alongside the Food Bank for Monterey County and city of Monterey are offering a drive-thru and walk-up Community Thanksgiving Dinner on Wednesday. However, reservations are required and they are already full this year. Each meal kit will include all of the fixings for families to prepare their own traditional Thanksgiving meal for a family of 4 or 6-8 people.
Melissa Kendrick, CEO and executive director of Food Bank Monterey said thousands of volunteers have been putting this event together since June. The nonprofit created 25,000 traditional Thanksgiving dinners, and 25,000 pozole kits, which many cultures have for their big dinners during the holidays.
“We believe in serving the needs of the community, including the cultures here,” Kendrick said. “We like knowing that 50 thousand families in Monterey County are going to be able to sit down and enjoy a meal with their friends and families this year.”
One of the unique features of the meal kits, is that families will be able to put them together themselves, allowing for that family time in the kitchen many cultures cherish during the holidays. The kits also contain several fresh vegetables, and other healthy items.
“The kits will enable families to put their own spin on the recipes, and the food is beautiful this year. We wouldn’t give anything away that we wouldn’t put on our own family’s tables.”