At the Giorgio Armani Privé fashion show in Paris, Kate Hudson and her boyfriend Danny Fujikawa looked very stylish. The couple, who got proposed in 2021, went to the haute couture show on Tuesday during Paris Fashion Week. They both wore black and white outfits that went well together.
The 44-year-old star of The Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery had healthy skin and a stylish up-do. She wore a black two-piece bandeau with a black floor-length skirt with pink and orange accents. To finish off the look, she wore black shoes with straps.
Kate Hudson finished her look with a chic nude lip, big round diamond, and silver statement earrings.
Her fiance chose a light cream jacket, pants, and a bright white T-shirt underneath. His clean look was broken up by the gray velvet shoes he wore.
During their trip to Paris, Hudson also put some pictures of her and Fujikawa on Instagram. The couple looked very in love as they posed for pictures on lovely streets with cobblestones and in local cafes.
In one picture, Hudson smiled as Fujikawa kissed her face while she held a cup of coffee.
“Paris we love you,” she wrote in the photo’s description.
Hudson also posted a picture of her and Fujikawa eating dinner at Allard, a traditional French cafe, as well as a picture of her wearing a denim-on-denim outfit as she walked along the cobblestone streets.