Enloe Women’s Tennis: Conquering the Court

Everyone has their own courts to conquer in life, whether it be a friend group, AP classes, or fights for lunch tables. But, for Enloe women’s tennis, it’s the tennis court. Even solo sports where only one or two players play at a time need a team to stay afloat and there’s no better example of this than the women’s varsity tennis team. 

Qualifying for Dual Teams (an annual state tennis championship run by the NCHSAA), going to conference, and holding a respectable record of 6 wins to 8 losses this season, the women’s tennis team is a sure force to be reckoned with. Many of the players on the team attribute this success to not only their new coach, but also their team synergy. Who would’ve thought that hitting balls with rackets as a group could be such a potent form of emotional therapy?

With the help of their new coach Daniel Carter and a promising young star player, things are looking good for Enloe women’s tennis. Evelyn Ball is an Enloe freshman who is loving the high school tennis landscape. On the tennis team, players are ranked based on skill, #1 being the best. In addition to holding the number one spot on the team, Ball is one of the youngest on the roster, leading to an apprehensive feeling at the beginning of the season. Social pressure was one of the things that Ball worried about at first, but she was glad to discover that the tennis team was supportive and fully welcoming. “You don’t really notice [the age gap]. But it’s partially because a lot of people don’t think I’m a freshman,” Ball said. ”I try to get to know everyone on the team.” Outside of school, the freshman sensation plays violin and piano. As the highest ranked player on the team, it makes you wonder, how does she do it all? “You really have to do a lot of your homework over the weekend or in advance for the week, but it’s worth it.” Ball remarks.

They may have to do some boring practices and drills, but the team truly thinks they are better together when playing on the court. “I like the team better [compared to not being on Enloe’s team] because it feels like I’m part of something bigger.” says Serena Zhang, a returning sophomore on the team. Another plus of being on the team is that they support and rely on each other.  “I have to be accountable for the games I play.” Serena says. She also feels that the team aspect she gets from Enloe women’s tennis helped make the sport feel less lonely.

The team also has some fun, niche things that they do to keep spirits high at all times. “We have this tradition where every time we have like a match someone brings snacks and some of our team favorites are frozen grapes and Body Armor.” says Serena. The snacks aren’t only for extra energy, they bring the team to bond while they eat them. “It’s really nice that even if you lose you can still sit there and eat frozen grapes and cheer on your friends.” Zhang says. “It’s like a whole bunch of mini popsicles. It’s honestly life changing.”

Everyone has a different reason for playing their sport, but for Evelyn, tennis is a form of stress relief. “When I’m mad and I’m playing tennis I get to let my anger out on the court.” Ball says. “It’s a good anger management thing, is what I’ve learned. That’s my favorite part.”

Tennis is more than just hitting a ball with a racket to Enloe women’s tennis. It’s a sport of bonds, friendships and support. Each practice and every game is a new bonding experience for them and they make sure to give their best every practice. Currently, the team is looking forward to what they can achieve next year. As Evelyn says, “Our team is very promising… in a couple years I think we’ll be making it pretty far.”

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