Kiwi ‘caveman’ returns to nature after six month prison stint

By Hamish McNeilly
November 22, 2023 — 3.15pm

Wellington: A New Zealand man who had spent most of the last decade living in a cave before being jailed earlier this year is relieved his six-month stint behind bars is over.

“I’m happy to be out,” said the man largely known as Little John, but who also goes by John Black or John Russell Tingle.

Little John has now returned to his outdoor lifestyle.

Little John has now returned to his outdoor lifestyle.Credit: Stuff

Little John made New Zealand headlines last year after Stuff revealed that he had lived in a cave, on and off, for over a decade near the township of Outram, near Dunedin.

“It is more of a bedroom and a place where I am comfortable … but I’m still part of society,” he said of his alternative lifestyle, which also included DIY dentistry and cooking cannabis pizza.

But in May, the 58-year-old was handed a 12-month prison sentence after being convicted for setting fire to a hut where he stored his possessions. 

The October 2022 fire “indicated an escalation in seriousness … given his previous limited criminal history”, according to a pre-sentence report.

Little John said he had expected to get a community-based sentence after other options, such as home detention, were deemed not suitable for a cave-dweller.

But despite an early guilty plea, his lack of remorse meant “the judge had to throw the book at me”.

It led to the 59-year-old and his sole bag of possessions being taken to Otago Corrections Facility in Milburn, south of Dunedin, where he spent four nights inside a rubber-coated Intervention and Support Unit.


He said prison life was “scary” at first, but he praised the care of the guards, some of whom knew of his high-profile background.

“If I went from a normal household to prison, I would complain bitterly, but coming from the cave to three squares, PJs, bunk and buddies … it was plenty.”

Little John

“Prisoners are a mixed bunch. Obviously, some of them are horrendous and some of them are normal people.”

Little John said, apart from his vices, he had kept a healthy lifestyle living in his cave, shunning modern comforts. “But [in prison] I did suffer serious withdrawal symptoms from tobacco, cannabis and alcohol”.

Inside prison, he started to appreciate some different comforts, including having access to a shower, and medical care.

After several weeks, he was transferred to minimum-security Rolleston Prison, where he received his first regular benefit – a $NZ2.70 ($2.49) a week prisoner’s wage – but he elected not to use it, describing it as “funny money”.

Regular meals, coupled with more sleep and the reduction in his outdoor lifestyle, meant he put on 15 kilograms over those six months.

Little John said he enjoyed those regular meals, but realised he might be the exception. “If I went from a normal household to prison, I would complain bitterly, but coming from the cave to three squares, PJs, bunk and buddies … it was plenty.”

On his release he was told that some people had ransacked his camp, near the cave, where he used to cook.

He said he was enjoying the return to his cave, particularly with the warmer temperatures.

But one thing he was missing was his “cavewoman” – a nod to a relationship that started not long before he was incarcerated. That budding relationship is on hold after she too was jailed on another matter.

Little John, a former engineer, suffered several injuries in a motorcycle crash when he was 19. From there, he gravitated towards an alternative lifestyle and later moved to the cave after a relationship ended and to dry out from his addictions.

Stuff’s original story of Little John led to him being reunited with his Dunedin-based father and Perth-based sister, who he had not seen for 25 years.


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