Expert’s advice on how to become a thriller writer

Embark on the captivating journey of Ajit Menon, a corporate maverick turned literary luminary, as he rediscovers his enduring love for writing. In a daring move, he bids farewell to a lucrative CXO career to breathe life into hidden stories from his past, crafting the acclaimed ‘The Panther’s Ghosts’ series.

Through his innovative ‘Realreel’ style, Ajit captivates today’s impatient youth, transforming reading into a cinematic experience. Beyond his literary pursuits, he spearheads initiatives like The Write Street Project, empowering emerging writers and fostering a writing renaissance in India. Join Ajit on a mission to revive literature and leave an indelible mark on the literary landscape.



Writing was always his first love, but the practicalities of life made him go through the professional grind. But despite the corporate rigmarole, he never let the passion die. Finally, having realized that he had lost a lot of time working, he decided to quit his handsomely-paying job as a CXO to bring to life the hidden stories within him. A great storyteller and a passionate writer, he started penning down stories that he had heard from his father, an Intelligence officer, in his childhood. Thus originated the six-part series called ‘The Panther’s Ghosts’.
Ajit’s stories are inspired by ‘real’ life incidents, but he narrates them like a movie script. Thisgiveshis readers a feel of watching a ‘film reel’ rather than reading a book. His books are meant to be a one-sitting read, which means you open the first page and then don’t feel like putting the book down till you complete it; just like watching a movie. Ajit chose this unique way of writing and creating ‘Realreel’ books because he realised today’s youth is impatient, and attention span is significantly less. They want something that can keep them hooked, and that’s where the ‘real-reel’ flavour scores over the normal books.

Ajit Menon feels that even if 2% of our population takes up writing as a professional career, we would have over three crore writers in India producing the largest quantity of quality content for the globe. Hence, Ajit is on a mission to encourage young Indians to pursue their penchant for writing. A passionate writer, Ajit wants the world of words to spread like wildfire in a country where the habit of reading and writing is fast diminishing.


With the mission to revive the world of words, he initiated The Write Street Project in association with The Stories People. The project’s first leg, the Behind Enemy Lines Contest, saw massive participation from people across India, writing stories based on a spy-verse theme. The contest received an overwhelmingly positive response from enthusiastic writers across ages, geographies, and backgrounds. Ajit is rewarding the top 10 winners with a cash prize and helping them publish their books. These writers will be the future brand ambassadors who will encourage more people to write. Ajit wants to take his mission to newer heights by collaborating with well-known publishing houses so that more youngsters take to writing.

A man of few words, Ajit has a big heart that beats for noble causes. He runs an NGO called ‘The Anugraha Foundation,’ which cares for Gurgaon’s abandoned and destitute senior citizens. For this, he keeps aside substantial earnings from his regular income and book sales. This is also his way of saying that his heroes are helping these senior citizens live a life of dignity and respect.

Born into a patriotic family, Ajit Menon grew up listening to the stories of heroism from his father, Arvind Menon, who was an officer in the Intelligence Bureau. He often heard stories of real-life incidences of Covert Operatives of India who live ordinary lives but bear the national security responsibility. As he grew up, he promised to turn his childhood stories into a mission – to give his childhood ‘heroes’, their share of fame. And thus, was borne the idea to pen down ‘The Panther’s Ghosts’ Series, focusing on the spy genre.



The first of ‘The Panther’s Ghosts series, called ‘Panther’s Ghosts – The Beginning’, is a racy and intriguing spy thriller inspired by real-life incidences of Covert Operatives of India who live ordinary lives but bear the responsibility of national security when they are called upon to follow India’s new proactive doctrine of ‘Defensive Offense.’ A roller-coaster of emotions that change with every page flip, the book has it all – murders that can boil blood, justice trials that can make the eyes teary, and moments that can make the heart skip a beat. The book got fantastic reviews on Amazon from people from across the country and abroad; readers and bloggers. He has been rated 4.5/5 in the Amazon reviews and blogger circles.


Per his contract with Westland Publications, Ajit will deliver one spy thriller yearly till 2028. The first to be released is “The Panther’s Ghosts – The Puppeteer,” a sequel to the first book in the six-part spy series. This book takes the readers on another adrenalin-pumping mission at twice the speed and twice the punch of the first book. With the Chinese trying to sabotage India’s nuclear program and the US attempting to sacrifice Indians in Albania for their benefit, The Panther and his Ghosts race against time to save India. This is ‘Defensive Offense’ at its best.’

The second Book, Sahadeva, is a unique blend of Mythology and Spy verse. In 3200 BCE, the Kurukshetra battle was between Dharm and Adharm. The sad part was that Millions died in that war, and finally, the upholders of the Dharma, the Pandavas, were rewarded with Hell after their deaths. In the 21st century AD, the Kauravas and the Pandavas have reincarnated once again as a third world war is looming on the horizon, but this time, the fight is to prevent the war from happening, and this time, the world needs a man with a vision – Enter Sahadeva a CIA operative from Langley.

Published By:

Megha Chaturvedi

Published On:

Nov 24, 2023

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