Learn healthy cooking tips from UnityPoint Health

If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to eat healthier, a series of free cooking classes at UnityPoint Health might be the best place to start.

Dieticians at UnityPoint Health are offering these interactive four-week cooking classes starting in January to help people make simple, affordable and heart healthy changes to their eating while having fun. Over 350 people attend these classes annually to learn how to take a healthier approach to eating.

“We are honored to host this cooking series because of all of the wonderful benefits that participants get from eating with their health in mind,” said Teresa Pangan, PhD, prevention & wellness strategist at UnityPoint Health. “We have seen firsthand the amazing results our classes have given attendees. They’re changing how they cook, learning new cooking skills and adopting new, healthier habits.”

Attendees will learn easy, tasty recipes and the cooking skills necessary to help them move toward healthier eating. The Cooking with Heart class series is designed for all cooking skill levels and focuses on evidenced-based nutritional information.

“In the last four years, we have helped hundreds of people improve their overall health,” says Kathy Pulley, director of cardiology services at UnityPoint Health – Trinity. “We’ve seen amazing results from our Cooking with Heart participants. They’re losing weight, lowering their blood pressure, improving cholesterol levels and preventing chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes and hypertension.”

UnityPoint Health offers three different series focusing on healthy cooking:

  • Cooking with Heart Foundational
  • Cooking with Heart for Diabetes and
  • Cooking with Heart for Cancer.

Classes are held in the Cardiac Nutrition Center at Trinity Heart Center, 2701 17th Street in Rock Island. Registration is required for these free classes; click here to sign up. In-person and virtual class options are available for the Cooking with Heart series.

For more information on UnityPoint Health, click here.

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