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India is one of the fastest-growing major economies. According to IMF estimates, it is expected to emerge as the world’s third-largest economy by 2027. It continues to stay resilient despite the global uncertainties.

The large size of the domestic consumer base and rising income and aspirations of the young population have contributed to consumption growth.
The young Indian consumers are more educated, aware, and constantly seeking to upgrade their lifestyle preferences. Their spend on discretionary purchases and luxury goods is expected to rise in the ongoing festive season. According to Deloitte’s ‘Consumer Signals’, an ongoing initiative to track consumer sentiments, 70 percent consumers said that they splurged at least one time within the past month.

This has also contributed to India’s thriving home-furniture and furnishing market.

The Indian home furniture market, valued at US$ 19 billion in 2022, is a big value driver in the consumer segment. The market is expected to reach US$ 34 billion by 2028, registering a CAGR of ~10 percent.

The category is largely unorganised, with the organised sector contributing 21 percent (US$ 3.9 bn) to the market. By 2028, the organised sector’s share is projected to increase two times to reach US$ 8.1 billion. This presents an opportunity for brands to scale and increase market penetration.

Home lifestyle category drivers:

Time spent at home: The new norms of work-from-home and hybrid working, have led individuals to spend most of their time indoors. As a result, they invested more in their home.

Increasing the real estate market: Growth in the residential real estate industry over the past few decades has boosted the home furniture market. The Indian real estate market has been witnessing growth, driven by the increasing population and demand for affordable housing accommodation. Moreover, transaction volumes increased by 45-60 percent annually in major cities.

With the rising income, a growing population segment can afford a second home. The second-hand real estate market is set for a monumental shift; a trend was more visible in the West until now. The overall market size of second homes and retirement villas is set to cross US$ 4 billion by 2026, from US$ 1.4 billion in 2021.

Increasing comfort in online shopping: Increasing internet penetration, a rise in the number of smartphones, and the convenience of ordering from home, are some factors that have led to a shift in buying behaviour. The rapid growth of e-commerce in tier-2 and tier-3 cities have further led to a shift away from unorganised players to branded organised players. In 2022, these cities accounted for >60 percent of the total orders.

Reduced makeover cycle: Consumers are indulging in their home makeovers faster than before. The home renovation market is estimated to reach US$ 14.3 billion by 2027, contributing to overall growth across categories.

Emerging trends:

Role of influencers – Interior designers and social media influencers are shaping the choices for home categories by constantly sharing knowledge on design trends, and superior materials and their uses. This increases aspirations amongst potential buyers and upgrade choices for existing buyers.

Sustainable and eco-friendly choices – Organic fabrics, natural weaves in home furnishing, natural and reclaimed wood in furniture, and ethical sourcing, are becoming popular through increased consumption consciousness towards the environment.

Luxury and designer brands entering the category – The past two years have seen increasing competition in the home segment with many global brands entering the market and existing players strengthening their game. This category has also seen domestic players, with designer collaborations, in the luxury segment.

Brands need to stay relevant to changing consumer preferences in the category, and catering to individual needs will define the competitive edge.

Omnichannel – Consumers discover the product online, but would prefer walking to a store, for touch and feel, and final purchase.

New-age shoppers also choose convenience over brand loyalty. Thus, quick delivery and choice of location influence their final decision.

Advance technology shaping choices – Consumers are guided through disruptive technologies, such as VR with 3D modeling that help them get a virtual sneak peek into new homes. Using Gen AI and chatbots, they can solve their personalised queries.

Seamless experience – As the market becomes cluttered with an increasing number of players, customer experience is expected to emerge as a key differentiator. Brands will need to invest in technology that makes the experience seamless.

Pre-purchase journey and post-sales support are critical to overall purchase experience, especially in categories such as furniture and interior solutions. Consumer experience beyond the product, such as product installations, quick delivery, and replacements are important to complete their purchase journey and be satisfied with the brand overall.

Retailers and brands will need to redefine their ability to serve an informed and digitally savvy consumer base. They also need to rethink their offering to meet home needs in a connected way.

(Smita Murarka, Director of Consulting at Deloitte India contributed to the article)

(DISCLAIMER: The views expressed are solely of the author and ETRetail.com does not necessarily subscribe to it. ETRetail.com shall not be responsible for any damage caused to any person/organization directly or indirectly.)
“,”next_sibling”:[{“msid”:105556387,”title”:”We expect 25-30% demand growth in furniture selling space during the festival season: Piyush Agarwal, Pepperfry”,”entity_type”:”ARTICLE”,”link”:”/news/home-and-decor/furniture-and-decor/we-expect-25-30-demand-growth-in-furniture-selling-space-during-the-festival-season-piyush-agarwal-pepperfry/105556387″,”category_name”:null,”category_name_seo”:”home-and-decor/furniture-and-decor”}],”related_content”:[],”seoschemas”:false,”msid”:105567375,”entity_type”:”ARTICLE”,”title”:”Consumer trends in the home and lifestyle categories”,”synopsis”:”The Indian home furniture market, valued at US$ 19 billion in 2022, is a big value driver in the consumer segment. The market is expected to reach US$ 34 billion by 2028, registering a CAGR of ~10 percent. The category is largely unorganised, with the organised sector contributing 21 percent (US$ 3.9 bn) to the market. By 2028, the organised sectoru2019s share is projected to increase two times to reach US$ 8.1 billion. This presents an opportunity for brands to scale and increase market penetration.”,”titleseo”:”home-and-decor/furniture-and-decor/consumer-trends-in-the-home-and-lifestyle-categories”,”status”:”ACTIVE”,”authors”:[{“author_name”:”Praveen Govindu”,”author_link”:”/author/479263420/praveen-govindu”,”author_image”:”https://etimg.etb2bimg.com/authorthumb/479263420.cms?width=250&height=250&imgsize=343026″,”author_additional”:false}],”Alttitle”:{“minfo”:””},”artag”:”ETRetail”,”artdate”:”2023-11-28 19:05:25″,”lastupd”:”2023-11-28 19:05:26″,”breadcrumbTags”:[“deloitte india”,”deloittes consumer signals”,”murarka”,”imf”,”omnichannel consumers”,”home & furniture”,”luxury”,”online shopping”],”secinfo”:{“seolocation”:”home-and-decor/furniture-and-decor/consumer-trends-in-the-home-and-lifestyle-categories”}}” data-authors=”[” praveen data-category-name data-category_id data-date=”2023-11-28″ data-index=”article_1″ readability=”29.12283345893″>

The Indian home furniture market, valued at US$ 19 billion in 2022, is a big value driver in the consumer segment. The market is expected to reach US$ 34 billion by 2028, registering a CAGR of ~10 percent. The category is largely unorganised, with the organised sector contributing 21 percent (US$ 3.9 bn) to the market. By 2028, the organised sector’s share is projected to increase two times to reach US$ 8.1 billion. This presents an opportunity for brands to scale and increase market penetration.

Praveen Govindu

  • Updated On Nov 28, 2023 at 07:05 PM IST
  • <!–

  • 4 min read
  • –>

India is one of the fastest-growing major economies. According to IMF estimates, it is expected to emerge as the world’s third-largest economy by 2027. It continues to stay resilient despite the global uncertainties.

The large size of the domestic consumer base and rising income and aspirations of the young population have contributed to consumption growth.
The young Indian consumers are more educated, aware, and constantly seeking to upgrade their lifestyle preferences. Their spend on discretionary purchases and luxury goods is expected to rise in the ongoing festive season. According to Deloitte’s ‘Consumer Signals’, an ongoing initiative to track consumer sentiments, 70 percent consumers said that they splurged at least one time within the past month.

This has also contributed to India’s thriving home-furniture and furnishing market.

The Indian home furniture market, valued at US$ 19 billion in 2022, is a big value driver in the consumer segment. The market is expected to reach US$ 34 billion by 2028, registering a CAGR of ~10 percent.

The category is largely unorganised, with the organised sector contributing 21 percent (US$ 3.9 bn) to the market. By 2028, the organised sector’s share is projected to increase two times to reach US$ 8.1 billion. This presents an opportunity for brands to scale and increase market penetration.

Home lifestyle category drivers:

Time spent at home: The new norms of work-from-home and hybrid working, have led individuals to spend most of their time indoors. As a result, they invested more in their home.

Increasing the real estate market: Growth in the residential real estate industry over the past few decades has boosted the home furniture market. The Indian real estate market has been witnessing growth, driven by the increasing population and demand for affordable housing accommodation. Moreover, transaction volumes increased by 45-60 percent annually in major cities.

With the rising income, a growing population segment can afford a second home. The second-hand real estate market is set for a monumental shift; a trend was more visible in the West until now. The overall market size of second homes and retirement villas is set to cross US$ 4 billion by 2026, from US$ 1.4 billion in 2021.

Increasing comfort in online shopping: Increasing internet penetration, a rise in the number of smartphones, and the convenience of ordering from home, are some factors that have led to a shift in buying behaviour. The rapid growth of e-commerce in tier-2 and tier-3 cities have further led to a shift away from unorganised players to branded organised players. In 2022, these cities accounted for >60 percent of the total orders.

Reduced makeover cycle: Consumers are indulging in their home makeovers faster than before. The home renovation market is estimated to reach US$ 14.3 billion by 2027, contributing to overall growth across categories.

Emerging trends:

Role of influencers – Interior designers and social media influencers are shaping the choices for home categories by constantly sharing knowledge on design trends, and superior materials and their uses. This increases aspirations amongst potential buyers and upgrade choices for existing buyers.

Sustainable and eco-friendly choices – Organic fabrics, natural weaves in home furnishing, natural and reclaimed wood in furniture, and ethical sourcing, are becoming popular through increased consumption consciousness towards the environment.

Luxury and designer brands entering the category – The past two years have seen increasing competition in the home segment with many global brands entering the market and existing players strengthening their game. This category has also seen domestic players, with designer collaborations, in the luxury segment.

Brands need to stay relevant to changing consumer preferences in the category, and catering to individual needs will define the competitive edge.

Omnichannel – Consumers discover the product online, but would prefer walking to a store, for touch and feel, and final purchase.

New-age shoppers also choose convenience over brand loyalty. Thus, quick delivery and choice of location influence their final decision.

Advance technology shaping choices – Consumers are guided through disruptive technologies, such as VR with 3D modeling that help them get a virtual sneak peek into new homes. Using Gen AI and chatbots, they can solve their personalised queries.

Seamless experience – As the market becomes cluttered with an increasing number of players, customer experience is expected to emerge as a key differentiator. Brands will need to invest in technology that makes the experience seamless.

Pre-purchase journey and post-sales support are critical to overall purchase experience, especially in categories such as furniture and interior solutions. Consumer experience beyond the product, such as product installations, quick delivery, and replacements are important to complete their purchase journey and be satisfied with the brand overall.

Retailers and brands will need to redefine their ability to serve an informed and digitally savvy consumer base. They also need to rethink their offering to meet home needs in a connected way.

(Smita Murarka, Director of Consulting at Deloitte India contributed to the article)

(DISCLAIMER: The views expressed are solely of the author and ETRetail.com does not necessarily subscribe to it. ETRetail.com shall not be responsible for any damage caused to any person/organization directly or indirectly.)


  • Updated On Nov 28, 2023 at 07:05 PM IST
  • –>

  • Published On Nov 28, 2023 at 07:05 PM IST
  • <!–

  • 4 min read
  • –>

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<span id="etb2b-news-detail-page" class="etb2b-module-ETB2BNewsDetailPage" data-news-id="105567375" data-news="{"link":"/news/home-and-decor/furniture-and-decor/consumer-trends-in-the-home-and-lifestyle-categories/105567375","seolocation":"/news/home-and-decor/furniture-and-decor/consumer-trends-in-the-home-and-lifestyle-categories/105567375","seolocationalt":"/news/home-and-decor/furniture-and-decor/consumer-trends-in-the-home-and-lifestyle-categories/105567375","seometatitle":false,"seo_meta_description":"The Indian home furniture market, valued at US$ 19 billion in 2022, is a big value driver in the consumer segment. The market is expected to reach US$ 34 billion by 2028, registering a CAGR of ~10 percent. The category is largely unorganised, with the organised sector contributing 21 percent (US$ 3.9 bn) to the market. By 2028, the organised sectoru2019s share is projected to increase two times to reach US$ 8.1 billion. This presents an opportunity for brands to scale and increase market penetration.","canonical_url":false,"url_seo":"/news/home-and-decor/furniture-and-decor/consumer-trends-in-the-home-and-lifestyle-categories/105567375","category_name":"Furniture & Decor","category_link":"/news/home-and-decor/furniture-and-decor","category_name_seo":"home-and-decor/furniture-and-decor","updated_at":"2023-11-28 19:05:26","artexpdate":false,"agency_name":"ETRetail","agency_link":"/agency/88675625/ETRetail","read_duration":"4 min","no_index_no_follow":false,"keywords":[{"id":6356108,"name":"deloitte india","type":"General","weightage":100,"keywordseo":"deloitte-india","botkeyword":false,"source":"Orion","link":"/tag/deloitte+india"},{"id":19646557,"name":"deloittes consumer signals","type":"General","weightage":80,"keywordseo":"deloittes-consumer-signals","botkeyword":false,"source":"Orion","link":"/tag/deloittes+consumer+signals"},{"id":3571615,"name":"murarka","type":"General","weightage":80,"keywordseo":"murarka","botkeyword":false,"source":"Orion","link":"/tag/murarka"},{"id":6355408,"name":"imf","type":"General","weightage":80,"keywordseo":"imf","botkeyword":false,"source":"Orion","link":"/tag/imf"},{"id":19646558,"name":"omnichannel consumers","type":"General","weightage":20,"keywordseo":"omnichannel-consumers","botkeyword":false,"source":"Orion","link":"/tag/omnichannel++consumers"},{"id":19646559,"name":"home & furniture","type":"General","weightage":20,"keywordseo":"home-furniture","botkeyword":false,"source":"Orion","link":"/tag/home+%26+furniture"},{"id":6363239,"name":"luxury","type":"General","weightage":20,"keywordseo":"luxury","botkeyword":false,"source":"Orion","link":"/tag/luxury"},{"id":6357762,"name":"online shopping","type":"General","weightage":20,"keywordseo":"online-shopping","botkeyword":false,"source":"Orion","link":"/tag/online+shopping"}],"read_industry_leader_count":false,"read_industry_leaders":false,"embeds":[{"title":"Furnitures","type":"image","caption":false,"elements":[]}],"thumb_big":"https://etimg.etb2bimg.com/thumb/msid-105567375,imgsize-554924,width-1200,height=765,overlay-etretail/home-and-decor/furniture-and-decor/consumer-trends-in-the-home-and-lifestyle-categories.jpg","thumb_small":"https://etimg.etb2bimg.com/thumb/img-size-554924/105567375.cms?width=150&height=112","time":"2023-11-28 19:05:25","is_live":false,"prime_id":0,"highlights":[],"highlights_html":"","also_read_available":false,"body":"

India is one of the fastest-growing major economies. According to IMF estimates, it is expected to emerge as the world’s third-largest economy by 2027. It continues to stay resilient despite the global uncertainties.

The large size of the domestic consumer base and rising income and aspirations of the young population have contributed to consumption growth.
The young Indian consumers are more educated, aware, and constantly seeking to upgrade their lifestyle preferences. Their spend on discretionary purchases and luxury goods is expected to rise in the ongoing festive season. According to Deloitte’s ‘Consumer Signals’, an ongoing initiative to track consumer sentiments, 70 percent consumers said that they splurged at least one time within the past month.

This has also contributed to India’s thriving home-furniture and furnishing market.

The Indian home furniture market, valued at US$ 19 billion in 2022, is a big value driver in the consumer segment. The market is expected to reach US$ 34 billion by 2028, registering a CAGR of ~10 percent.

The category is largely unorganised, with the organised sector contributing 21 percent (US$ 3.9 bn) to the market. By 2028, the organised sector’s share is projected to increase two times to reach US$ 8.1 billion. This presents an opportunity for brands to scale and increase market penetration.

Home lifestyle category drivers:

Time spent at home: The new norms of work-from-home and hybrid working, have led individuals to spend most of their time indoors. As a result, they invested more in their home.

Increasing the real estate market: Growth in the residential real estate industry over the past few decades has boosted the home furniture market. The Indian real estate market has been witnessing growth, driven by the increasing population and demand for affordable housing accommodation. Moreover, transaction volumes increased by 45-60 percent annually in major cities.

With the rising income, a growing population segment can afford a second home. The second-hand real estate market is set for a monumental shift; a trend was more visible in the West until now. The overall market size of second homes and retirement villas is set to cross US$ 4 billion by 2026, from US$ 1.4 billion in 2021.

Increasing comfort in online shopping: Increasing internet penetration, a rise in the number of smartphones, and the convenience of ordering from home, are some factors that have led to a shift in buying behaviour. The rapid growth of e-commerce in tier-2 and tier-3 cities have further led to a shift away from unorganised players to branded organised players. In 2022, these cities accounted for >60 percent of the total orders.

Reduced makeover cycle: Consumers are indulging in their home makeovers faster than before. The home renovation market is estimated to reach US$ 14.3 billion by 2027, contributing to overall growth across categories.

Emerging trends:

Role of influencers – Interior designers and social media influencers are shaping the choices for home categories by constantly sharing knowledge on design trends, and superior materials and their uses. This increases aspirations amongst potential buyers and upgrade choices for existing buyers.

Sustainable and eco-friendly choices – Organic fabrics, natural weaves in home furnishing, natural and reclaimed wood in furniture, and ethical sourcing, are becoming popular through increased consumption consciousness towards the environment.

Luxury and designer brands entering the category – The past two years have seen increasing competition in the home segment with many global brands entering the market and existing players strengthening their game. This category has also seen domestic players, with designer collaborations, in the luxury segment.

Brands need to stay relevant to changing consumer preferences in the category, and catering to individual needs will define the competitive edge.

Omnichannel – Consumers discover the product online, but would prefer walking to a store, for touch and feel, and final purchase.

New-age shoppers also choose convenience over brand loyalty. Thus, quick delivery and choice of location influence their final decision.

Advance technology shaping choices – Consumers are guided through disruptive technologies, such as VR with 3D modeling that help them get a virtual sneak peek into new homes. Using Gen AI and chatbots, they can solve their personalised queries.

Seamless experience – As the market becomes cluttered with an increasing number of players, customer experience is expected to emerge as a key differentiator. Brands will need to invest in technology that makes the experience seamless.

Pre-purchase journey and post-sales support are critical to overall purchase experience, especially in categories such as furniture and interior solutions. Consumer experience beyond the product, such as product installations, quick delivery, and replacements are important to complete their purchase journey and be satisfied with the brand overall.

Retailers and brands will need to redefine their ability to serve an informed and digitally savvy consumer base. They also need to rethink their offering to meet home needs in a connected way.

(Smita Murarka, Director of Consulting at Deloitte India contributed to the article)

(DISCLAIMER: The views expressed are solely of the author and ETRetail.com does not necessarily subscribe to it. ETRetail.com shall not be responsible for any damage caused to any person/organization directly or indirectly.)
“,”next_sibling”:[{“msid”:105556387,”title”:”We expect 25-30% demand growth in furniture selling space during the festival season: Piyush Agarwal, Pepperfry”,”entity_type”:”ARTICLE”,”link”:”/news/home-and-decor/furniture-and-decor/we-expect-25-30-demand-growth-in-furniture-selling-space-during-the-festival-season-piyush-agarwal-pepperfry/105556387″,”category_name”:null,”category_name_seo”:”home-and-decor/furniture-and-decor”}],”related_content”:[],”seoschemas”:false,”msid”:105567375,”entity_type”:”ARTICLE”,”title”:”Consumer trends in the home and lifestyle categories”,”synopsis”:”The Indian home furniture market, valued at US$ 19 billion in 2022, is a big value driver in the consumer segment. The market is expected to reach US$ 34 billion by 2028, registering a CAGR of ~10 percent. The category is largely unorganised, with the organised sector contributing 21 percent (US$ 3.9 bn) to the market. By 2028, the organised sectoru2019s share is projected to increase two times to reach US$ 8.1 billion. This presents an opportunity for brands to scale and increase market penetration.”,”titleseo”:”home-and-decor/furniture-and-decor/consumer-trends-in-the-home-and-lifestyle-categories”,”status”:”ACTIVE”,”authors”:[{“author_name”:”Praveen Govindu”,”author_link”:”/author/479263420/praveen-govindu”,”author_image”:”https://etimg.etb2bimg.com/authorthumb/479263420.cms?width=250&height=250&imgsize=343026″,”author_additional”:false}],”Alttitle”:{“minfo”:””},”artag”:”ETRetail”,”artdate”:”2023-11-28 19:05:25″,”lastupd”:”2023-11-28 19:05:26″,”breadcrumbTags”:[“deloitte india”,”deloittes consumer signals”,”murarka”,”imf”,”omnichannel consumers”,”home & furniture”,”luxury”,”online shopping”],”secinfo”:{“seolocation”:”home-and-decor/furniture-and-decor/consumer-trends-in-the-home-and-lifestyle-categories”}}” data-news_link=”https://retail.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/home-and-decor/furniture-and-decor/consumer-trends-in-the-home-and-lifestyle-categories/105567375″>

<!– –>