Sharon Osbourne Recalled The Exact Moment She Decided To Try Ozempic For The First Time And Admitted Her Husband Ozzy Osbourne “Doesn’t Like” How Thin She Is Now

Sharon Osbourne Recalls The Moment She First Tried Ozempic

For those who don’t know, Ozempic is a drug that has become popular within the celebrity space for weight loss — despite the fact that it has not been approved by the FDA for chronic weight management. The drug has been approved for use by adults with heart disease, to reduce the risk of heart attacks, and to help lower blood sugar levels in people with Type 2 diabetes.

Back in September, Sharon, who is 71, discussed her use of Ozempic for weight loss and revealed that she’d unintentionally taken things too far.

“I lost 42 pounds now and it’s just enough,” she said during an appearance on Piers Morgan Uncensored. “I didn’t actually want to go this thin, but it just happened, and I’ll probably put it all on again soon.”

Sharon also divulged that she’d spent weeks feeling nauseous as a result of the drug, and revealed that her husband, Ozzy Osbourne, was uncomfortable with the amount of weight she’d lost.

“I know I look gaunt and I know everything that goes along with it,” she told the Daily Mail. “I’m too gaunt and I can’t put any weight on. I want to, because I feel I’m too skinny… Be careful what you wish for.”

Sharon went on to warn younger people against the use of the drug for weight loss — something that she previously stressed during her interview with Piers Morgan.

“My warning is don’t give it to teenagers, it’s just too easy,” she said. “You can lose so much weight, and it’s easy to become addicted to that, which is very dangerous. I couldn’t stop losing weight… and I can’t afford to lose any more.”

Now, Sharon has once again urged against the use of Ozempic by teenagers during a new appearance on UK talk show Good Morning Britain.

“I mean, look. It does what it says on the packet,” she said of the drug. “I don’t think it’s for teenagers at all… Because it’s easy to say, ‘This is it, I can eat what I want, I keep taking this injection and I’m like this.’”

“I just think it needs to be in the hands of older people [who] totally understand there could be side effects to this,” she said.

Recalling the moment she tried the drug for the first time, Sharon — who has been open about her insecurities around her weight over the years — admitted that she was “fed up” of her size fluctuating.

“I was just fed up of going back and forth with my weight, constantly,” she said.

“I just thought, I’ve tried everything,” she continued. “And so I thought, Might as well try it. And I did.”

When asked about people’s concerns that she’s “very slim,” Sharon paused and said, “I could do with putting on a few pounds. But at this point, the way my body is, it’s not listening. It’s staying where it is.”

Then, Sharon was asked about Ozzy’s thoughts on her weight loss.

“He doesn’t like it,” she candidly admitted, before clarifying that he thinks she’s too slim and is “scared” that “something is going to happen” to her.

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