Pierce County investigating possible tennis ball bomb used to damage truck in Roy

ROY, Wash. — The Pierce County Sheriff’s Department (PCSD) is investigating after a potential explosive device inside of a tennis ball was used to damage a truck in Roy.

Per a PCSD release, a mountain detachment deputy responded to an address on 80th Avenue Ct. S in Roy on Saturday morning. 

The victim showed the deputy his damaged pickup truck, which had a dented hood and a broken windshield, the release said.

The deputy was also shown a security video by the victim of a loud explosion and bright flash that occurred earlier that morning. The video’s lens wasn’t pointed at the truck, so the suspects could not be seen.

The deputy found “pieces of neon green fuzz” on the driveway while investigating, the release says. This led the deputy to conclude that a tennis ball bomb was placed between the truck’s hood and windshield before being detonated.

This is a developing story. Check back for updates. 

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