How Fast, Cheap Fashion Is Polluting the Planet: QuickTake

The business model known as fast fashion has proved wildly successful. Apparel makers churn out new styles on an ever-shorter cycle, offering them at prices so low — like $5 for a shirt or $20 for jeans — that consumers buy more and more items, sometimes getting only a few wears out of them. But there’s a dark side: The boom in the production of garments has increased -bsp-bb-link state=”{“bbHref”:”bbg://screens/ESG%20GHG”,”_id”:”0000018c-1c2d-d922-abee-5caf211f0000″,”_type”:”0000016b-944a-dc2b-ab6b-d57ba1cc0000″}”>carbon emissions<!—-> and other ecological harms, and generated enormous clothing waste. Some consumers say they would prefer to buy clothing made with less injury to the environment, and brands in the $1.5 …

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