Cruising From The City Of Angels To Sin City

The Ultimate Electric Vehicle Road Trip: LA to Vegas

Embarking on a journey from Los Angeles to Las Vegas is an iconic road trip that was anticipated to provide a mix of vibrant cityscapes, breathtaking landscapes and peaceful deserts.

According to AAA 55.4 million people traveled for the 2024 Thanksgiving holiday with 88 percent doing so in a car. However, what truly made this trip unique was accomplishing it in the Rivian R1T electric truck, harnessing the power of sustainable technology to thrust through a landscape of natural wonders.

If you are looking for a review about torque and wheelbase and all the other things one would find in a typical car review then this is not the article for you. This is for the person who wants to know about the electric vehicle experience on a road trip, the mom who takes her kids to football or soccer practice, the dad who coaches a team and may fish on the weekend. This article is for families, parents and adventurers. It’s for community, single folk, couples and anyone who wants to be a part of the electrification future.

The ride was smooth, the seats luxurious and the amount of space impressive. As someone who flies perhaps up to three times a month I’m often figuring out how to squeeze my overpacked carryon to fit in the overhead luggage compartment.

That wasn’t necessary on this road trip. Each one of us including my husband and our two older sons who are 6 feet and 6 foot four respectively could bring what they wanted, and I got to pack as many shoes as I wanted. There was also plenty of room to bring items for the household where we would be spending Friendsgiving. We spread out during the ride, and no one was uncomfortable.

As a Mom I had the experience of a lifetime. The ride did many things for us as a family with grown children. It allowed us to have solid quality time, even when there were periods of headphones in the ears, as we traveled the six hours home and the four hours going. It brought us together as we had to figure out how to charge, and where to charge, and the thrill of the mapping of the Rivian vehicle.

Just for a moment, image cruising through the sprawling city of Los Angeles, then leaving the city in your rear view. There was the hum of the Rivian R1T before we turned up the music volume and sang and laughed along the highway.

The first leg of the road trip was through scenic San Gabriel Mountains. As we ascended through the terrain the topography began to change and was on full display with almost panoramic views from the windows. There was a freedom being on the open road traveling in an eco-friendly, zero-emission electric vehicle.

In Barstow we took advantage of our hungry stomachs and charged at a Rivian charging station, while we ate pastries and breakfast sandwiches. We were able to refuel while also taking in the surrounding sights. There was no anxiety about a long-distance electric vehicle trip because of the Rivian charging network that continues to expand.

Once back on the road we had an opportunity to sit in awe as we drove the Mojave Desert where there were vast stretches of desert terrain. As the miles slipped away there was a sense of anticipation growing the closer that we got to Las Vegas. A certain feeling of energy and elation.

The electric vehicle road trip from Los Angeles to Las Vegas and back delivered on so many fronts. It was an occasion for family unity and excitement along with the enthusiasm of driving in an electric vehicle. The journey went beyond an ordinary roadtrip but incorporated a tale of innovation, natural beauty, and the undeniable allure of the destination.

As we look to the future, the electric vehicle roadtrip serves as a testament to the remarkable progress of sustainable technology. It showcased the evolving infrastructure that supports clean energy vehicles and reinforces the notion that environmental consciousness can seamlessly align with leisure travel.

I remember days gone past when we stuffed into the back of station wagons to travel to Thanksgiving dinner. Siblings and cousins squished in a car and not always in the safest spaces. The Rivian truck ride was such a superior quality experience.

We did get a lot of looks and positive interaction with strangers. We got head nods from other Rivian owners as we charged or traveled, who made us feel as though we were now part of a unique community. Even strangers on the street wanted to know more about Rivian or comment on how good the truck looked. It certainly was a showstopper in showstopper city.

As humans I believe there is some part of all of us that is adventurer. The Rivian roadtrip was a joining of that spirit of adventure and modern automotive technology, creating a marriage that may well stand the test of time. Revealing that innovation and technology will not just co-exist but can spur and captivate the imagination encouraging more and more exploration.

I hope you to will consider embarking on your own memorable odyssey in an electric vehicle where passion for a sustainable, safe, adventurous ride is just a charge away. Transportation is Mobility and Mobility is Freedom. ™

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