Anderson County Police Department made its television debut on ‘Cops’

Earlier this month, The Anderson County Sheriff’s Office made its television debut on the show “Cops.”

Filming for the show’s 35th season began at the end of June and followed Anderson County police officers over the course of 10-12 weeks, according to the Sheriff’s Office.

“We are excited for the opportunity to show you, and the world, what it’s like to be a Sheriff’s Deputy in Anderson County,” commented the Sheriff’s Office in the initial announcement on Facebook in June 2022.

Carrie Miller, public information officer of the Anderson County Sheriff’s Office, agreed that participating in “Cops” has improved public understanding of the Sheriff’s Office’s role and responsibilities. Community reactions on Facebook have illustrated the viewers’ surprise regarding the daily responsibilities of being a police officer in Anderson County, increasing the public’s respect for the local police department.

Miller told The Tiger that Anderson County’s appearance on this season of “Cops” has nothing to do with the crime rates in Anderson County but rather the request sent to the show from the Sheriff’s daughter.

Sheriff Chad McBride reported to WYFF that he had been a long-time fan of the show and was watching it with his children when his daughter suggested the idea of being featured on “Cops.”

“We were watching it, and Emily said, ‘Dad, how cool would it be to get Anderson County Sheriff’s Office on ‘’Cops’?’ And I said I doubt they’d ever put us on ‘Cops.’ And she said, ‘Well, why don’t you ask them?’” Sheriff Chad McBride said to WYFF.

The show will continue to feature Anderson County during its 35th season. “Cops” can be streamed on Fox Nation every Friday at 6 p.m.

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