ARLINGTON, Va., Nov. 29, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — As immigration has moved into being one of the top issues of the funding battles on Capitol Hill and the presidential campaigns, NumbersUSA has launched a refreshed website – – to revitalize its eight million grassroots supporters and those newly interested in immigration with new tools and resources. At the same time, NumbersUSA’s Chief Executive Officer, James Massa, having completed his first year leading the nation’s largest single-issue advocacy group, has announced organizational changes that include new initiatives and new executive leaders.
“At NumbersUSA we believe better immigration is possible,” said Massa. “I am confident that the expanded initiatives and refreshed leadership will advance the goal of empowering voters to achieve a sensible immigration policy.”
Leading the executives moved into C-Suite roles is Chief Operating Officer Anne Manetas, a 20-year veteran at NumbersUSA and one of the four longest-term contributors to NumbersUSA. “My new role is pretty straightforward. I make the trains run on time,” said Manetas. “As COO I am also leading a branding refresh and membership growth initiative.” In addition, Manetas describes her new role as “facilitating the ‘civil forum’ for discussion of immigration policy”.
Of the other four longest-term contributors was NumbersUSA’s sole founder Roy Beck, who stepped down as CEO when Massa was brought on board. Beck continues to serve on the Board of Directors and is involved in the new Hiring Line Initiative, which is fashioned after his book Back of the Hiring Line, a 200-year history of immigration surges, employer bias, and the depression of Black wealth.
Rosemary Jenks, another of the four longest-term contributors and former Director of Government Relations, stepped down in October. She was replaced by Grant Newman as Director of Federal Government Relations. Grant has been with NumbersUSA for 11 years working side-by-side with Rosemary. “Rosemary is one of the most knowledgeable subject matter experts on immigration there is,” Massa admired. “I am sad to see her step down, glad to know she is still highly committed to sensible immigration policy being enacted, and am confident having entrusted the NumbersUSA Federal focus with Grant Newman with whom she has spent such considerable time mentoring.” Massa went on to say, “Grant is by far one of the most respected consultants on immigration policy to staff throughout Capitol Hill.”
Adding to the C-Suite executives is Eddie Huey, taking the reins as Chief Information Officer where he is leading a series of significant technology enhancements that are intended to maintain NumbersUSA’s leadership in grassroots mobilization. “NumbersUSA has always been a mobilization technology leader long before commercial companies have sprung up to offer technology for that purpose,” claimed Massa. “I see Huey as the secret ingredient that will continue to position NumbersUSA as one of the technology leaders driving digital mobilization solutions to empower NumbersUSA members to take action on immigration issues.”
NumbersUSA has much more than just its Federal Government Relations initiative. The long-standing Sustainability initiative focuses on the conservation of the environment as impacted by immigration-driven population growth. Three new initiatives include the Hiring Line initiative which focuses on the impact of immigration on Black Americans and other disproportionately affected groups; the State Government Relations initiative, which focuses on immigration policies faced by every state but significantly on the passing of mandatory E-Verify; and the Alliances initiative, which focuses on expanding collaboration with organizations that have a shared vision with NumbersUSA on matters of immigration policy.
Jeremy Beck leads as the Vice President of Initiatives, which include Sustainability and the innovative Hiring Line. “These initiatives breathe new life into our founding principles and concern for economic fairness, environmental conservation and quality of life,” said Beck. “Americans who have been historically disadvantaged should be at the center of our policy.”
Andrew Good leads as the Director of State Government Relations initiative. This initiative brings to the states the opportunity to enact significant immigration-impacting legislation such as mandatory E-Verify to protect citizens of those states from the negative effects of uncontrolled immigration.
Jim Robb, the last of the four longest-term contributors to NumbersUSA, has accepted the challenge of serving as Vice President of Alliances and Activism. Robb has been instrumental in guiding NumbersUSA to take a number of successful, strategic directions over the years. “I try to ensure NumbersUSA keeps its sights on the big picture, Robb stated. “The core competency of being able to form alliances that have a shared vision to bring about sensible immigration policy is my biggest challenge yet because by its nature we intend to work with organizations that have interests outside of immigration or may not be completely in alignment with NumbersUSA but we have a portion of interests which is a ‘shared vision’”.
Massa added regarding the new website and leadership roles, “NumbersUSA’s greatest strength is its activist members who reside in every congressional district in the United States. We exist to empower them with tools and resources to bring about sensible immigration policy.” Massa continued, “The leadership team will only grow stronger in their roles to help bring about better immigration.”
About NumbersUSA
NumbersUSA supports a balanced immigration system that welcomes the spouses and minor children of U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents, is responsive to acute refugee crises, attracts those with extraordinary ability and talents, addresses temporary labor shortages, protects the most vulnerable, and is enforced. NumbersUSA is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that believes better immigration policy is possible. Focused exclusively on immigration reform, NumbersUSA is America’s largest single-issue advocacy group with over 8 million grassroots members and supporters spread across every congressional district. Founded solely by Roy Beck in 1996 to promote civil debate on the immigration recommendations of the U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform – chaired by civil rights icon Barbara Jordan, NumbersUSA continues to advocate for sensible immigration policies that ensure Americans’ safety, promote economic fairness, while conserving the environment and quality of life.
Media Contact: Emeline McClellan
Email: [email protected]