Campbell County Technical Center scores big with Subaru donation

By Alice Prival

Altavista Journal News Correspondent

What’s new? A Subaru! On November 28th, Terry Volkswagen-Subaru donated a 2023 Subaru Outback to the Automotive Technology Program at Campbell County Technical Center. Mark Dalton, General Manager of Terry Volkswagen-Subaru states, “The partnership with this school has been phenomenal! We provided scan tools in the past, but this takes our collaboration to a whole new level! We are working to get Subaru diagnostic equipment. These cars would start at $35,000.” The kids in the car, around it, and even dangling from the trunk are filled with enthusiasm, their faces flushed with anticipation of their classes to come with this amazing new addition!

Jon Hardie, Principal of Campbell County Technical Center, lifts his head, mid conversation with attuned ears absorbing the rise in volume coming from the stereo in the car.

His eyebrows lift, his head subtly gives a stern shake left, then right. The volume is instantly lowered, eye contact in conversation resumed. The tiny incident displays the respect the students have for their Principal as subordination is quickly in check.

The partnership between Terry Volkswagen Subaru and Campbell County Technical Center started seven or eight years ago. It began with Job Shadowing Day. The company and the school spend time together to see if there is mutual compatibility.

Dalton brings the students in to train them starting as Lube Technicians, then sends them off to Subaru and Volkswagen School. Hardie with pride reveals, “Dalton has hired eight current students or interns. I greatly appreciate their vision, teaching fundamentals, and giving young people an opportunity to work in their dealership.”

Dalton interjects, “We realized we needed to fish upstream, starting young so we can train them to meet our needs.”

Michael Myers, Automotive Instructor at Campbell County Technical Center for 15 years, smiles with exuberance as he reflects on his prior profession in the National Guard, and being a business owner of an Automotive Repair Shop for 13 years.

His smile broadens as he admits, “When I was called and asked to take this job, I wasn’t sure. After four months I wanted to stay. I became a long term substitute to start…I’ve been here ever since.”

He continues, “Being here at the Technical Center we’re like a big family. No matter what class we interact with, we try to share some simple basics, how to jump a car, or change a tire.”

Hardie points out proudly the plaques on the wall that display five awards honoring the excellence of the school in the past seven years. He states, “Our job shadowing got us recognized as Top Business and Industry Partnership in Region 5 working with different partnerships. Today, this donation from Terry Volkswagon-Subaru will allow their technician to provide our students with cutting edge technology. This helps bridge that gap to keep us up on the newest technology.”

Campbell County Technical Center is a gem, a beacon leading young minds and skills into their futures. A school that kids look forward to, vocations to hold their interest, that compel them to achieve and live up to their potentials.

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