Batshit Law Would Require DeSantis Bloggers to ‘Register’ With the State

Is it 1984 or a typical Thursday in Florida? This week, Republican state Sen. Jason Brodeur introduced a bill that would force bloggers who get paid for writing about Gov. Ron DeSantis or any other elected state official to “register” with the state within five days.

The bill, which seems more at home in Soviet Russia than in the Land of the Free, contains a bewildering list of provisions. If a blogger creates multiple blog posts, they would be required to file monthly reports disclosing the money received for each post, among other information. Failure to comply would incur fines of at least $2,500 per piece and necessitate filing a notice of failure to file. The bill states that these limitations do not apply to the websites of “newspapers and other similar publications.” According to the blog Florida Politics, Brodeur stated regarding his measure that paid bloggers are lobbyists who write instead of speak. “They are both professional campaigners. If lobbyists are required to register and file reports, then why shouldn’t bloggers?”