Sustainability partners & groups


There are many active organisations and groups that work towards improving our Region’s environmental sustainability.  Council works with local environmental groups in a variety of ways, through on the ground assistance, hosting and running events or supporting via funding or sponsorship of environmental events. 

Fitzroy Basin Association

Fitzroy Basin Association Inc. (FBA) is a natural resource management (NRM) body.  FBA work to protect the Fitzroy Basin’s special places and species, promote sustainable industries, and reduce the impacts our region has on the Great Barrier Reef. At over 156,000 km2, and including over 20,000 km of waterways, the Fitzroy Basin is the largest river system draining into the waters of the iconic Great Barrier Reef. More than 3,700 agricultural businesses operate in our region, and about 20 per cent of Queensland’s 12 million head of cattle are grazed here. FBA coordinates a regional natural resource management strategy.

Visit Fitzroy Basin Association’s website
Follow Fitzroy Basin Association’s I believe in a sustainable CQ facebook page

Capricornia Catchments

Capricornia Catchments Inc. is a not-for-profit, non-government community based, natural resource management organisation. The organisation’s office is based in Rockhampton, servicing an area of approximately 60,000km2 in Central Queensland. The organisation currently has over 900 individual members and 50 group members. Capricornia Catchments focus on improving natural resource management practices across the Region, coordinating on-ground works and capacity building activities and organising activities that raise awareness and promote continuous improvement.

Visit Capricornia Catchments’ website
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Fitzroy Partnerships for River Health

The Partnership is a collective of government, agriculture, resources, industry, research and community interests across the Fitzroy Basin in Central Queensland.  Partners have a common goal of providing a more complete picture on river health and support this goal by providing funding, resources and contributing water quality and ecosystem health monitoring data through data-sharing arrangements.  With the annual Fitzroy Partnership for River Health Report Cards and a significant dataset over a number of years, trends are now beginning to emerge about the health of the catchments in the Fitzroy Basin. While not directly involved in river management, report card results are designed to inform consideration of whether current management strategies are proving successful in maintaining the health of aquatic ecosystems. The report cards will also help guide and improve a range of regional plans and potentially guide investments towards improved aquatic ecosystem health by governments and all partner organisations.

View Fitzroy Partnership for River Health’s website
Follow Fitzroy Partnership for River Heath on Facebook

Plastic Free CQ

Plastic Free CQ program is a partnership between Boomerang Alliance and the Australian Packaging Covenant (APCO), with support locally from Rockhampton Regional Waste and Recycling. Plastic Free CQ works directly with food retailers, events, markets and other organisations and assist them to switch from single-use plastics to better alternatives, such as reusable (preferred) or compostable items. The Program also work with councils, suppliers, manufacturers, waste transport operators and composters to deliver real solutions to businesses.

View Plastic Free CQ’s website
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Greening Australia

Greening Australia is on a mission to conserve and restore landscapes at scale through collaborative, science-based and innovative conservation programs.  Greening Australia is an independent not-for-profit organisation that cares about ensuring healthy and productive landscapes where people and nature can thrive. 

Visit Greening Australia’s website
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The Capricorn Cetaceans Project 

The Capricorn Cetaceans Project (CCP) is a research project, under the direction of the Marine Ecology Research Group and Southern Cross University, Australia. The project is capturing data on two inshore dolphin species, the Australian snubfin dolphin (Orcaella heinsohni) and the Humpback dolphin (Sousa sahulensis), both known to inhabit the Fitzroy River and Port Alma catchments. These dolphins have relatively low numbers, so this project is trying to understand the current threats to these species as well as undertake impartial and independent research to address the principle conservation issues that they face in an ever changing environment. To find out more how you can become involved, please go to their website.

Visit Capricorn Cetaceans Project
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Landcare Australia

Landcare Australia is a not-for-profit organisation, and registered charity, which leads the promotion of and provision of financial support to the Landcare movement’s national resource management programme in Australia; aligning the practice of environmental management with land productivity, and devolving governance and management to local communities. 

Visit Landcare Australia’s website
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Healthy Soils Inc.

Healthy Soils Rockhampton group are passionate about improving the condition of the soil and plant ecosystems in the Central Queensland and Capricorn regions.  The group’s meetings are combined with field days, workshops or educational events that assist in learning and building knowledge to improve soil and plant health.  Healthy Soils Rockhampton are able to cater for grazing and cropping enterprises as well as comparing various management systems and have worked on a number of research projects. 

Visit Healthy Soils Inc. website
Follow Healthy Soils Australia on Facebook

Capricorn Conservation Council

CCC is a not-for-profit environment organisation in Central Queensland with a community based conservation group membership of people concerned about environmental issues. The CCC’s objectives are to promote the natural environment and work towards ecological sustainability, to protect the ecological integrity, environmental values and biodiversity of CQ region, to prevent over-exploitation and destruction of our environment, natural resources and biota and to facilitate and encourage community engagement in environmental protection and conservation work.

Visit Capricorn Conservation Council’s website
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BirdLife Capricornia

BirdLife Capricornia focuses on local bird activities such as field trips throughout the area, conservation actions to protect bird life, education activities to inform the local population and joint projects with local conservation groups to reach a wider audience.  BirdLife Capricornia also encourage family involvement with junior activities and family friendly day trips.

Visit Birdlife Capricornia’s website
Follow Birdlife Australia on Facebook

Native Plants Capricornia

Native Plants Capricornia is an active branch of Native Plants Queensland and works with a number of local organisations to present information, talks and activities relating to native plants. The branch hosts guided excursions, provide plant lists and identification, provide newsletters and a group of volunteers works with the Rockhampton Regional Council Plant Nursery on propagation projects.

Visit the Native Plants Capricornia website
Follow Native Plants Capricornia on Facebook

Hope Animal Sanctuary and Rescue Inc

Hope Animal Sanctuary and Rescue is a local CQ charity organization, run by volunteers and licensed to rehabilitate wildlife, rescue and re-home unwanted poultry, domestic birds and reptiles.

Visit Hope Animal Sanctuary and Rescue Inc’s website
Follow Hope Animal Sanctuary and Rescue Inc on Facebook

Planet Ark

Planet Ark Environmental Foundation is an Australian not-for-profit organisation with a vision of a world where people live in balance with nature and to unite people, businesses and governments through positive environmental actions. Planet Ark’s objectives are to promote sustainable resource use, to encourage a low carbon lifestyle and to connect people with nature.  Planet Ark coordinate a range of national sustainability campaigns such as ‘Cartridges for Planet Ark’, National Recycling Week and National Tree Day.

Visit Plant Ark’s website
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Clean Up Australia Day

A simple litter clean up to make a difference in your own backyard has become the nation’s largest community-based environmental event, Clean Up Australia Day. Clean Up Australia Day is a community based environmental program that inspires and empowers individuals and communities from every corner of the globe to clean up, fix up and conserve their environment. Clean Up Australia Day is held annually in March. 

Visit Clean Up Australia Day’s website
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Tangaroa Blue

Tangaroa Blue Foundation is an Australian-wide not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the removal and prevention of marine debris, one of the major environmental issues worldwide. But if all we do is clean-up, that is all we will ever do.

To successfully solve the problem, the Australian Marine Debris Initiative (AMDI) was created, an on-ground network of volunteers, communities and organisations that contribute data from rubbish collected during beach and river clean-up events to the AMDI Database, and then work on solutions to stop the flow of litter at the source. The AMDI helps communities look after their coastal environment by providing resources and support programs, and collaborates with industry and government to create change on a large scale.

Visit Tangaroa Blue’s website
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EcoBiz is a Queensland government sponsored program designed to help Queensland businesses understand resource use and cut costs. The free program enables organisations to access one-on-one coaching and access a range of services that will support energy, water and waste efficiencies. 

Visit EcoBiz’s website
Follow EcoBiz on Facebook

Minimal Waste Central Queensland

Minimal Waste CQ is a friendly local group which shares information about reducing trash and minimising the use of disposable plastic and single-use items. Together the group works towards the goal of zero waste to landfill.

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