Rubio, Colleagues Introduce Bill Protecting American Auto Jobs

Rubio, Colleagues Introduce Bill Protecting American Auto Jobs

Dec 5, 2023 | Press Releases

This month, American autoworkers secured big wins through negotiations with the “Big Three” automakers. Automakers have historically threatened to offshore manufacturing jobs and production to cut costs, even while they receive generous benefits from the American tax code designed to keep our auto industry strong.

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) and colleagues introduced the Putting American Autoworkers First Act to stop automakers from receiving federal tax credits, grants, and loans if they offshore auto manufacturing from the United States.

  • “Despite the recent negotiations resulting in big wins for autoworkers, automakers still have the upper hand. They can still undermine these deals by offshoring production to countries with cheaper labor. This legislation would create a strong incentive for automakers to keep jobs right here in America and allow workers to share in the profits that they helped create.” – Senator Rubio

Senators J.D. Vance (R-OH) and Eric Schmitt (R-MO) are original cosponsors.

The Putting American Autoworkers First Act would prohibit automakers that benefit from 12 different federal programs from offshoring the production, manufacturing, or final assembly of any of their products for 10 years and penalize noncompliant automakers. Covered programs include the:

  • New Clean Vehicle Credit (30D), 
  • Commercial Clean Vehicle Credit (45W),
  • Used Clean Vehicle Credit (25E),
  • Qualifying Advanced Energy Project Credit (48C),
  • Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Incentive Program,
  • Domestic Manufacturing Conversion Grant Program,
  • Public School Energy Program/Renew America’s Schools Programs,
  • State Energy Program (SEP) Funding,
  • Bus and Bus Facilities Grants,
  • Low and Zero Emission Public Transportation Funding,
  • Clean School Bus Program, and
  • Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicle Program. 

Flashback… Earlier this year, Rubio released a labor report proposing policies to bring industrial jobs back to America in order to build thriving communities and a more unified nation.

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