According to a recent study, the arts and culture in Guilford County accounted for $240 million in economic activity in 2022.
The study was commissioned by the Arts Council of Greater Greensboro, Creative Greensboro (the City of Greensboro’s office for arts and culture) and the High Point Arts Council.
The study, Arts & Economic Prosperity 6, found that the direct economic activity of arts and culture in Guilford County in 2022 was $240 million in total industry expenditures, with $235 million of that in the City of Greensboro.
According to the study, the arts and culture industry in Guilford County accounted for 4,335 jobs and contributed $134 million to the personal income of Guilford County residents.
The study done by Americans for the Arts found that event-related spending by arts and culture audiences totaled $133.8 million. That figure breaks down to $38.88 spent per person per event. Local attendees averaged $29.02 per person per event and nonlocal attendees $53.43. The expenditures included food, drink, retail shopping, overnight lodging, transportation, clothing, groceries and more.
The survey by Americans for the Arts included more than just dollars and cents and found a profound appreciation for the social impact of the arts and culture in the community.
A majority of those surveyed expressed a desire to preserve the cultural activities for future generations as well as a sense of pride in the venues that they considered essential parts of the community.
The study covered 78 of the 152 eligible nonprofit arts and culture organizations in Guilford County and was able to illustrate the intricate economic interdependencies within the local economy. The study indicated far reaching impacts extending well beyond initial expenditures.
For more information about this study and the impact that arts and culture have on Guilford County, you may go to: www.AEP6.AmericansForTheArts.org.