A child is waiting: Kakashi is in love with life

When 12-year-old Kakashi is described by his social worker and those close to him, there is one word that is said over and over: love.

“Kakashi loves flags,” says his worker. “When we go on car rides, he points out all the flags and enjoys the flags and so, even if we’re not in the car together, I will still see all the flags, which I had never noticed before. So, just the way that he appreciates things, like he can sit and watch a ribbon weaving in the air, kind of gets you to slow down and also appreciate things that you would not otherwise notice. He will sit outside and wave flags around for a long, long time and be perfectly happy.

“Kakashi loves being outside, even in the rain, riding bikes or jumping on the trampoline. He also loves listening to music. He has an old phone with a music app on it and plays all his favorite songs, especially Disney music.

“And Kakashi loves anything to do with water: kayaking, swimming, the sprinkler, going for walks in the rain; he loves water parks and enjoys splash pads, too.”

Kakashi doesn’t talk but uses a tablet to communicate.

“He does a phenomenal job of communicating,” his worker says. “He is smart and capable. Not being able to speak is not the same as not having anything to say or not understanding what others are saying.

“He is very sweet. He is silly. He’s affectionate. He’s super-smart and just amazes us every day with things that he picks up on that people might not necessarily expect him to pick up on.

“Kakashi is helpful and is always excited to do things for others, like pick up groceries for people who are sick or take back pop cans for a friend. He can be a little shy at first but is quite affectionate once he warms up. He is always working hard to learn new things.”

Kakashi needs a forever family, his worker shares, that is patient and open-minded.

“He may not speak much verbally,” she says, “but he understands everything that is said to and around him. He would do best with two parents who can be strong advocates for the services he needs to thrive or a single parent with a strong support system. He needs people who are open to his abilities and are willing to help him blossom.

“He would also do well with pets, especially fish or a turtle, because he loves to watch them swim around in a fish tank. He would do fine with other pets, too, and he does well with other children.

“Kakashi is cheerful and enthusiastic,” his worker says.

“His enthusiasm for his favorite things is second to none. He looks forward to sharing that enthusiasm with an active and loving forever family of his own.”

For more information about adoption, fostering, or mentoring, please contact Orchards Children’s Services at 855-694-7301, or visit www.orchards.org.

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