A Mexican Chef’s Top 3 Tips For Perfect Homemade Salsa Every Time

Santibañez’s final tip is all about the salt, which he says is “an essential and last component to a good batch of salsa” because it “will heighten any spicy, tart, tangy or sweet flavors you have involved.” It makes sense because salt helps release flavors of all foods, including salsa ingredients like tomatoes, peppers, and fresh herbs.

How much salt should you use? “I like to say use it liberally but add it gradually, and always taste as you go,” says Santibañez. For reference, 5 cups of salsa might only need a half teaspoon of Kosher salt, according to some recipes, but everyone has different salt tolerances. If you’re serving it to guests who are concerned about the sodium, keep the salt to a minimum. Remember, you can’t remove the salt once it’s dissolved in the food, so start with a small amount and add more as you continue to make the salsa, like Santibañez recommends.

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