HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) – Theresa Cachuela was deeply involved in the Young Women’s Prom Event since 2017.
On Friday night at New Hope Oahu Church, a large and loud group of young women cheered as the show was held in her honor.
The program was part fashion show, part giveaway.
And it was part memorial.
The night of glamour was not only a chance to provide free prom dresses, but to carry on Cachuela’s mission to promote healthy relationships.
“This event is so beautiful, and I’m so proud and happy to be here in honor of my sister,” Theresa’s sister Sadie Naki said.
“Not a lot of people knew how much she helped here. They didn’t know about her businesses. They didn’t know she went to aesthetician school,” said Honolulu City Council Member Andria Tupola, who founded the event and worked closely with Cachuela.
“We wanted to let her family know that her impact was more than what they could imagine,” said Lei Llanos, who was coordinating the models for the event and knew Cachuela since high school.
“We’ve been struggling with our grief and stuff like that, so I’m still working on gaining that strength back,” said Cachuela’s mother, Lucia Ani-Nihoa, shortly before the event began.
It’s only been two months since Cachuela was fatally shot in front of her daughter last December by her husband, who then took his own life. That’s even though Cachuela had a temporary restraining order against her husband.
“We are looking toward some laws being passed with domestic violence basically, because it feels like nobody was listening, no matter how much she tried,” Ani-Nihoa said.
“Sometimes it does, unfortunately, come to an end that way,” said Naki. “But like my mom said, don’t give up. Just keep trying. Keep trying to find anywhere that someone will listen to you.”
Cachuela’s family said she taught young women about makeup and fashion in order to increase their confidence. As they carry on her legacy, they still feel her presence. Theresa’s framed photo and a lei were placed in a front row center seat at the event.
“I don’t think there’s words to express the loss, but I know she’s in our hearts,” said her friend, Mae Knight.
“I know she’s with us today. She’s happy. She’s smiling. She wouldn’t want us to cry. She’d want us to smile. And really just persevere.”
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