“A World of Difference: Embracing Neurodiversity,” the PBS television show produced by Beacon College, recently recognized a polar explorer with its Difference Maker Award.
The Difference Maker Award is presented to famous and/or successful individuals who are thriving with learning disabilities or to neurodiversity allies, along with a high-profile segment on the “A World of Difference” television show.
Ann Bancroft is one of the world’s preeminent polar explorers and an internationally recognized leader who is dedicated to inspiring women and girls around the world to unleash the power of their dreams. Through her various roles as an explorer, educator, sought-after speaker and philanthropist, she believes that by sharing stories related to her dreams of outdoor adventure, she can help inspire a global audience to pursue their individual dreams.
Bancroft’s teamwork and leadership skills have undergone severe tests during her polar expeditions and provided her with opportunities to shatter female stereotypes. The tenacity and courage that define her character have earned her worldwide recognition as one of today’s most influential role models for women and girls. She has been named among Glamour magazine’s “Women of the Year” (2001); featured in the book Remarkable Women of the Twentieth Century (1998); inducted into the National Women’s Hall of Fame (1995); named Ms. magazine’s “Woman of the Year” (1987); and honored with numerous other awards for her accomplishments.
Watch the “A World of Difference: Embracing Neurodiversity” episode featuring Ann Bancroft at: https://video.wucftv.org/show/world-difference/.