Ad volumes on television grew by 22 per cent during Y 2023 compared to Y 2019: TAM AdEx

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Ad volumes on television grew by 22 per cent during Y 2023 compared to Y 2019. The second quarter of 2023 saw a five per cent growth compared to the first quarter, while the fourth quarter increased by two per cent compared to the third quarter, as per 2023 Television Advertising Recap by TAM Media Research. The overall average ad volumes per channel for Y 2023 witnessed a four per cent decline compared to Y 2022, it added.

Compared to Y 2022, the food and beverages sector retained its first position in Y 2023. Banking, finance and investment was the only new entrant during Y 2023 over Y 2022 with two per cent share of ad volumes, the report stated.

The top ten sectors collectively added 88 per cent share of ad volumes during Y 2023, as per the report.

During Y 2023, toilet soaps and toilet/floor cleaners categories retained their first and second positions with seven per cent and four per cent ad volumes share over Y 2022. Biscuits ascended to seventh position in Y 2023 compared to its tenth position in Y 2022, the report stated. Together, the top ten categories added 32 per cent share of ad volumes.

In Y 2023, Hindustan Unilever was the leading advertiser with 17 per cent share of ad volumes. The top ten advertisers together covered 46 per cent ad volume shares in Y 2023.

During Y 2023, Wipro was the only new entrant and secured tenth position compared to its 17th position in Y 2022, the report added.

Out of the top ten brands present in Y 2023, five of them belonged to Reckitt Benckiser (India) and three belonged to Hindustan Unilever, it added. Compared to Y 2022, Dettol Antiseptic Liquid maintained its first position in Y 2023.

Also, there were five new entrants in Y 2023 compared to Y 2022.

According to the report, toilet soaps among the categories saw the highest increase in ad secondages with growth of 56 per cent while in terms of percent growth, Namkin leads among top ten with 57 per cent growth during Y 2023 compared to Y 2022.

More than 4.3 thousand exclusive advertisers were publicised during Y 2023 compared to Y 2022, the report stated. Piramal Capital and Housing Finance was the top exclusive advertiser during Y 2023.

As per the report, GEC was the leading channel genre with 30 per cent share of ad volumes in Y 2023. Top five channels genres accounted for more than 90 per cent share of ad volumes during both Y 2023 and Y 2022.

While ad volumes of regional channels remains nearly the same, ad volumes of National Channels got decreased in Y 2023 compared to Y 2022, the report stated.

During Y 2022, more than 735 hours of co-branding ad volumes with movies recorded on TV, the report stated.

Eye Mantra Eye Drops was the top brand associated with movies with 15 per cent share of co-branding ad volumes.

The top brand Eye Mantra Eye Drops partnered with four movies and one of them was ‘OMG 2’. Top ten brands accounted for 60 per cent share of co-branding ad volumes during Y 2023, the report added.

82 per cent Indian viewers engage with TV ads: Report

The report reveals that TV viewing habits have become more fragmented globally, with average daily watch time across linear TV and OTT being two hours and 53 minutes, and watch time on streaming platforms surpassing linear TV by 22 per cent.


  • Updated On Jan 20, 2024 at 03:00 PM IST
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  • Published On Jan 20, 2024 at 03:00 PM IST
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