After Curbing Quirks, Microsoft Is Releasing Its Bing Chatbot For Mobile Devices

Microsoft is prepared to introduce its new Bing chatbot to the general public less than a week after making significant adjustments to prevent the artificially intelligent search engine from veering off course.

The business announced on Wednesday that it would incorporate the new AI technology into its Bing smartphone app and the Edge browser program.

Placing the new AI-enhanced search engine in the hands of smartphone consumers is intended to give Microsoft an edge against Google, which currently dominates the internet search industry but has yet to release a chatbot to the public.

In the two weeks since Microsoft introduced its redesigned Bing, more than one million customers from around the world have signed up to sample a public preview of the new product. Microsoft stated that the majority of these customers responded positively, but some found that Bing insulted them, professed its love for them, or used other disturbing or odd languages.

The new Bing is one of an emerging class of AI systems that have acquired human language and syntax after absorbing a massive corpus of books and online publications. They can produce music, recipes, and emails on demand, as well as summarize concepts using internet-sourced data. Yet, they are error-prone and cumbersome.

Microsoft sought a means to reduce Bing’s inclination to answer with strong emotive language to particular questions after receiving reports of its peculiar behavior. It has accomplished this by limiting the length and duration of chats with the chatbot, forcing users to initiate a new conversation after several turns. In addition, the improved Bing now respectfully denies queries it would have answered a week ago.

It responds, “I’m sorry, but I’d rather not continue this conversation,” when asked technical questions about how it operates or the governing rules. I am still learning, so I appreciate your patience and understanding.

Microsoft stated that the new technology would also be incorporated into Skype.