Alison Hammond Refused to Give Up Her Birmingham Accent for a Television Career

Alison Hammond talked about a time early in her career when she was told she had to change her voice from Birmingham to London.

Alison said on an episode of the Rosebud show that she was told to change her unique Brummie accent when she applied to ALRA, The Academy of Live and Recorded Arts in London.

Alison told the story by saying, “I applied for ALRA, The Academy of Live & Recorded Arts.

And when I went there, the woman said, You do realise we are going to have to modify your accent?” She asked, “Modify?” to show how confused she was. “What does that even mean?”

Alison explained that the thought behind the suggestion was to use Received Pronunciation (RP), which is the standard form of British English.

Basically, they wanted her to speak with a different accent than her native Brummie one.

Alison made a strong statement on the Rosebud podcast: “I just thought, I am not doing that, I’m not modifying my voice – I love my voice… I think my Birmingham accent is quite nice, though. It’s not too in your face.”

Hammond’s road to becoming a well-known name started in 2002, when she appeared on Big Brother.

Since then, her work has gone up in a very impressive way.
