At Jaipur’s City Palace’s courtyard for the first time, an evening of fashion and art transpired in all its glory when designer Anita Dongre’s fashion show titled ‘Rewild’23’, came to fruition on 4th and 5th November 2023. The couture show—organised by the Anita Dongre Foundation in collaboration with the Princess Diya Kumari Foundation (PDKF), helmed by Princess Gauravi Kumari— was a fundraiser aimed towards the conservation of nature and elephants, with all the proceeds from the fashion show going towards the Nature Conservation Foundation.
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The immersive fashion show—co-hosted by Princess Gauravi— which had been in the making for more than 6 months, saw the launch of Grassroots Home and a couture line, featuring clothes in beige, green, red, blue and black, with quintessential Rajasthani techniques like block-printing, Kantha, gota-patti, and beadwork, in modern silhouettes, falling in the category of the designer’s signature techniques (a look at the Grassroot label will further reinforce this belief). The collection’s embroidery patterns were centred around nature and wildlife. From embellished bolero jackets to waistcoats and lightweight lehengas, the silhouettes in the modern, pret collection, acted as a canvas for the traditional botanical embroidery to shine through. Elephant sculptures made from Lantana, an invasive weed that has reduced the mammal’s fodder base, served as a backdrop for the show. The show stuck to its sustainability initiative with the flowers taken from the palace grounds (for instance, bougainvilleas) and used in the show being repurposed at various places like the dining table.
A precursor to the event was a visit to the PDKF atelier at Badal Mahal, driven by women artisans skilled in Rajasthani embroidery, and served as a reminder of the brand’s values towards women empowerment and sustainability. The show saw the appearance of celebrities including Tania Shroff, Madhuri Dixit Nene, Bhumi Pednekar and Manushi Chhillar, elegantly dressed in Anita Dongre’s clothes to mark their support towards the initiative. Take a look at all the famous personalities who attended the fashion evening in Jaipur: