Aluminum Industry Hosts Technology Forum Showcasing Material Advancements in Automotive

Technical sessions detail benefits of aluminum for designing lighter, safer and more sustainable vehicles

DETROIT, Nov. 2, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — The Aluminum Association’s Aluminum Transportation Group (ATG) today hosted the Aluminum Technology Forum: Driving Sustainability, featuring top automotive and aluminum industry thought leaders, at the Garden Theater in Detroit.

“Aluminum is a driving force for modern mobility, and its inherent value in vehicle design was on display during this event,” said Craig Lewis, vice president of strategic transformation at Constellium and chair of the ATG. “As we strive toward a more sustainable future, automotive aluminum is helping automakers redefine what’s possible. Through ongoing collaboration between automakers and aluminum suppliers, consumers benefit not only from the metal’s sustainability performance, but also marked improvements in vehicle capability and safety.”

The Aluminum Technology Forum builds on the rise of automotive aluminum use, against competing materials, over the last nearly six decades. Today, in an era of rapid electrification, the aluminum industry is partnering with automakers, recyclers, policymakers, non-governmental organizations and other industry stakeholders to drive innovation throughout the next decade, as detailed in its Roadmap for Automotive Aluminum.

This event connected key industry leaders from across the automotive supply chain to celebrate excellence in sustainable aluminum design and foster peer-to-peer networking. Attendees heard from technical experts on the cutting-edge lightweighting innovations, such as sheet metal fabrication, gigacasting, joining technologies and casting and forming technologies, that are propelling the automotive industry forward.

Speakers included:

  • Former Ford Motor Company
  • General Motors
  • Rivian
  • Shape Corp.
  • Center for Automotive Research
  • University of Michigan
  • Atlas Copco
  • Aluminum Extruders Council (AEC)
  • Alumobility
  • Kirchhoff Automotive
  • TWB Company
  • Sphera
  • Prysmian Group

“Through technological advancements, aluminum is a key enabler of automotive innovation today and tomorrow. The Aluminum Technology Forum is a key pathway to spotlight that innovation and address research and development goals for a more sustainable and aluminum-rich automotive landscape in the coming decade,” said Chris Devadas, director of technology at Hydro Aluminum Metals USA and ATG technical committee chair.

The 2023 survey of automakers and Tier 1 suppliers conducted by Ducker Carlisle indicates that demand for more sustainable transportation will help drive an increase in market share for aluminum content by nearly 100 net pounds per vehicle (PPV) from 2020 to 2030, continuing a critical industry trend. The Aluminum Technology Forum provides a platform to delve into innovative approaches to aluminum design, highlight successful applications in internal combustion engine (ICE) and electric vehicles (EVs), and discuss areas of growth for future vehicle design and engineering.

To learn more, visit and follow the ATG on Twitter (X): @DriveAluminum.

About the Aluminum Transportation Group (ATG)

Through its Aluminum Transportation Group, the Aluminum Association helps communicate the benefits of aluminum adoption in automotive applications through research, training programs, events and related outreach activities. And together with member companies, the ATG provides technical resources highlighting why automakers, suppliers, government stakeholders and consumers should choose aluminum. Members of the ATG include: Commonwealth Rolled Products, Constellium, Hydro, Kaiser Aluminum, Novelis, Rio Tinto, Real Alloy, Lincoln Electric, Spectro Alloys and Aluminum Dynamics. Visit us online at, and follow us on Twitter (X) @DriveAluminum. 

SOURCE The Aluminum Association

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