America’s Deadliest National Park

Although many Americans have never heard of it, it is the most dangerous national park in the United States. NBC News examined the figures on deaths in national parks over the past 15 years and found that North Cascades National Park, located in Washington State near the Canadian border, takes the top spot. Annually, there are an average of 3,7 deaths per one hundred thousand visitors, more than three times greater than the next deadliest national park. It gets slightly over 25,000 visitors per year, and 14 people have died there in the past 15 years. Wrangell-St. Elias National Park Reserve in Alaska was the second most dangerous park, with an average of 1.09 deaths per 100,000 visitors. North Cascades is extremely popular with alpine climbers and hikers, which may be a factor in its high death rate.