An Unforgettable Memory from Robert Downey Jr.’s Audition

Robert Downey Jr., who is famous for his part as Iron Man in Marvel movies, recently talked about the time he tried out for The Holiday.

Robert Downey Jr. said that he and Jimmy Fallon tried out for the same part in a romantic movie in 2006, but they didn’t get it.

Jimmy Fallon hosts The Howard Stern Show, where the Iron Man star went. They talked about how they tried out for the parts of Jude Law and Jack Black in the movie.

Robert said, “We both got called in just as seat fillers. Jude Law was chosen for my part and Jack Black got his role but they needed someone to read with the actresses and we were like, ‘this is our chance’.”

Robert said that Kate Winslet made fun of them both for having an English accent. When he talked about what happened, he said that he wanted to have a better accent than Jude Law and had even started practicing. But during the interview, Winslet didn’t hesitate to say that his British accent was “the worst he had ever heard.”

Jimmy Fallon also talked about his experience, saying that he was like if Jack Black quit the movie he was going to be in, and he was willing to do it for half of what Jack was going to charge. He said that when he tried out for The Holiday, that was the last time he auditioned. He stopped being an actor and became the host of The Tonight Show.

Fallon also said that Robert Downey Jr. is the best actor he has ever worked with.