Find out more about Ulrika Claesson
Ulrika has extensive experience in the banking industry, specialising in complex corporate customer cases and development initiatives. Her passion lies in finding new ways of doing business in the financial industry, working closely with customers and partners as well as with fintechs and tech vendors.
From the outset, Ulrika has worked in Nordea’s Nordic unit responsible for ensuring PSD2 compliance and proactively embracing opportunities for innovative development and third-party collaboration based on open banking and APIs.
Currently, Ulrika holds the position of Head of Open Banking Solutions in the Nordea Open Banking unit. This unit aims to be the go-to hub for financial APIs in the Nordics, where customers, third parties and banks meet to exchange data and co-create comprehensive, value-adding solutions.
In recent years, Ulrika has been a speaker at Nordea-arranged internal and external events. She has participated in Nordic branch expert forums arranged by, for example, Finastra, Mobey Forum and Swedish Fintech forum, as well as larger external events such as Women in Tech and Fcg.se, focusing on the subject of Open Banking.
Ulrika holds a Master of Science in International Business and Economics.