EMPORIUM — Applications are being accepted until Jan. 20 for the 9th round of the Sinnemahoning watershed grant program.
Settlement monies from the June 30, 2006, Norfolk Southern train derailment that caused a serious fish kill in Big Fill Run, Sinnemahoning Portage Creek, and the Driftwood Branch of Sinnemahoning Creek are being administered by the Headwaters RC&D Sinnemahoning Stakeholders Committee to fund successful applications. The total 17th round grant funds will be $167,073.
This program offers funding to watershed and conservation groups with incorporation status, counties and municipalities, county conservation districts, council of governments, commonwealth agencies, or any other authorized organizations involved in research, restoration, rehabilitation, planning, acquisition, development, education or other activities, which further the protection, enhancement, conservation, preservation or enjoyment of Pennsylvania’s environmental, conservation, recreation or similar resources.
All projects must be located within the Sinnemahoning Creek Watershed. Applications can be found electronically at www.headwaterspa.org. For further information contact Todd Deluccia at 814-486-9354 or email at [email protected].