From its humble beginnings with a small film series in 1967, the “Portland Society for the Arts” has grown into the “Arts Place” expanding its reach to cover Jay and Blackford Counties in Indiana and Auglaize County, Ohio. The organization has held countless classes, exhibits, recitals, plays and programs in all aspects of the arts bringing out the creativity of countless area residents.
In 2013, the Blackford County Arts Center was dedicated, following a capital campaign that raised over $100,000 from private contributions, as well as investments by the Blackford County Commissioners and the City of Hartford City. This facility, located at 107 W. Washington St. in Hartford City is the home for area Arts in the Parks classes, ArtWorks and MusicWorks classes. It features exhibits that change every six to eight weeks that focus on the work of living Midwestern artists, including the works of many local students and artists.