Astronomers call for global ban on space advertising visible from Earth

Astronomers are raising concerns about the growing threat of space advertising that could be visible from the ground, calling for an international ban to preserve the integrity of the night sky for scientific research.

At a briefing during the 245th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) earlier this month, the organization announced a statement urging countries to prohibit obtrusive space advertising. This type of advertising, defined by U.S. federal law, refers to ads that are visible to the naked eye on Earth without the aid of telescopes or other technology. The statement emphasizes the potential interference such advertising could cause to ground-based astronomical observations.

As per media reports, the federal government in the United States has banned space advertising for decades, prohibiting the issuance of launch licenses for missions with the intent of displaying advertisements in space. However, astronomers are concerned that other nations might not follow suit, creating new challenges for astronomical research. John Barentine, a member of the AAS’s Committee for the Protection of Astronomy and the Space Environment (COMPASSE), voiced concern that commercial interests could drive some nations to launch space advertising payloads.

Though no immediate space advertising campaigns are known to be in the works, Barentine pointed to a recent example involving Russian company Avant Space. In April 2024, Avant Space launched a 3U cubesat designed to test technologies for a proposed constellation of satellites that could project logos or other images in space using lasers. While details of the technology demonstration remain limited, Barentine noted that its success could pave the way for future space-based advertising initiatives.

Another Russian company, StartRocket, made headlines in 2019 when it announced plans for space-based advertising in collaboration with PepsiCo’s Russian subsidiary. The plan involved using small satellites with Mylar sails to reflect sunlight and create logos visible from Earth. However, PepsiCo’s U.S. headquarters later clarified that it was not pursuing such an initiative after conducting an initial test with a high-altitude balloon.

In response to these emerging efforts, the AAS is calling for a global ban on obtrusive space advertising, urging international organizations to adopt appropriate conventions, treaties, or laws to prevent such activities. The AAS has specifically called on the U.S. delegation to the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) to take a leading role in advocating for this ban.

Barentine emphasized the importance of establishing a global norm against space advertising, stating that it would help safeguard the scientific and aesthetic value of the night sky for future generations. He expressed hope that the issue would gain momentum and become a priority for international space policy discussions.

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