Creative Australia today announced the Australian cultural workers selected to be attendants and attendant managers at the Australia Pavilion during the Venice Biennale.
Eight Australian creative and cultural workers were selected from across Australia to participate in this professional development program delivered, for the first time, in partnership with major state and territory galleries and museums.
The Pavilion Invigilation Program is designed to leverage Australia’s participation in the Venice Biennale to create professional development opportunities across the visual art sector. Archie Moore is the artist commissioned to present in the Australia Pavilion, his exhibition is curated by Ellie Buttrose. The exhibition will open to the public on 20 April 2024.
Mikala Tai, Head of Visual Arts, Artform Development Creative Australia said: “We are thrilled to be working with audience engagement staff from major state and territory museums and galleries in this next edition of the Pavilion Invigilation Program. Such an embedded structure will strengthen the reach and lasting impact of the program’s outcomes to the sector. By drawing from cultural mediation principles, participants of the Program will be empowered to relay Archie Moore’s critical messages of First Nations truth telling presented through his artwork to audiences visiting the Australia Pavilion.”
For the 2024 edition of the Program Creative Australia is proud to partner with University of Queensland Art Museum. The University of Queensland Art Museum are at the forefront of industry innovation and leadership for improved visitor engagement outcomes through cultural mediation. This partnership will enable Program participants to be exposed to cultural mediation principles defined by UQ Art Museum cultural mediators, extending their existing skillsets in visitor engagement.
Peta Rake, Director, The University of Queensland Art Museum said: “UQ Art Museum is honoured to partner with Creative Australia to deliver cultural mediation training for the staff of the Australia Pavilion in 2024. UQ Art Museum has been an early adopter of Cultural Mediation practice and training in Australia. Audiences are eager to learn but also to be questioned and challenged, to connect and be heard. This training will equip the staff at the Australia Pavilion with tools to facilitate dynamic and active dialogue with an artwork, turning mere attention and interest into important conversation.”
The Pavilion Invigilation Program is a strategic initiative delivered by Creative Australia.
Additional access support for successful applicants has been made possible through the generosity of the Cross Family Foundations.
Participants include:
- Gillian Jones (NT)
- Jayden Gonsalves (SA)
- Joy Angelo Santos (NSW)
- Laura Lewis-Jones (TAS)
- Leah Pirone (WA)
- Luisa Randall (QLD)
- Max Boland (VIC)
- Sanja Zeljko (QLD)