The London International Book Fair, one of the world’s largest gatherings for the publishing industry, kicked off on March 12th. Azerbaijan is proud to be among the participating countries, with support from the Ministry of Culture, the Azerbaijani Embassy in Great Britain, and the Ministry’s organization efforts.

Tural Akhundov, CEO of Education Publishing-Polygrafia LLC, and Ramil Rzazadeh, head of Everest Publishing House, are representing Azerbaijan at the fair with the Ministry’s backing.

On the opening day, the Ministry’s delegation actively participated in various events. Azerbaijani publishers are also seizing this opportunity to hold meetings and establish partnerships, aiming to introduce their publications to a wider international audience.

The national stand offers attendees and visitors a wealth of information about Azerbaijan’s rich history, culture, literature, and the art of bookmaking. This includes promoting the recent designation of Shusha as the “Cultural Capital of the Islamic World” for 2024.

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Azerbaijan presents a significant presence at the London International Book Fair, showcasing around 300 books across 129 titles. The fair, which brings together publishers, book industry figures, and writers from numerous countries, continues until March 14th.