Barre ‘Pack the Pantry’ food drive sees record donations

BARRE, Vt. (WCAX) -A Barre food drive is seeing record donations this winter despite the state’s declining economy and post-flood struggles.

The Salvation Army wrapped up their 22nd Pack the Pantry at Price Chopper in Barre this weekend.

The annual food drive collects canned goods and nonperishables for the city’s Salvation Army food shelf.

By 2:30 Saturday afternoon, donors had filled three-fourths of a large truck with food.

TJ Michaels with the Salvation Army said the haul beats last year’s record, despite tighter wallets this winter.

“It’s tougher to do this this year because there are a lot of folks who just don’t have it and they’re struggling as well,” Michaels explained.

Michaels said food has been flying off the shelves since this summer’s flooding, and donations go a long way to meeting the demand.

Pack the Pantry packed up shop at 3 p.m. Saturday, but the Barre Price Chopper is still accepting donations on the Salvation Army’s behalf up until Thanksgiving.

For those outside of central Vermont, many food shelves across the state are calling for donations during the holidays and beyond.

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