On Friday, Bella Thorne, an actress and singer who is 25 years old, went on a date night with her fiance Mark Emms in Taormina, Italy. She wore a little black dress that made her look beautiful. After nine months of dating, they told each other in May that they were getting married. This fun trip follows the news of their engagement.
Thorne and her fiance, who is a film and TV director, looked happy as they walked through the streets of Italy wearing black outfits that matched. Later that night, Thorne was still wearing her stylish LBD at the afterparty for the screening of The Absence of Eden.
Notably, Thorne showed her first short film as a director, called “Paint Her Red,” at the prestigious 69th Taormina Film Festival on Thursday. Thorne is very proud of this project because she not only directed it, but also wrote the original script and was in it.
According to Variety’s press release, Paint Her Red tells a story that isn’t afraid to show both the beauty and pain of women’s lives.
Bella Thorne posted on Instagram about how excited she was about the project before it came out, calling it a “labor of love.”