Bullard Family Foundation and Metropolitan Ministries host pop-up food drive

Since 2020, the Bullard Family Foundation has teamed up with Metropolitan Ministries to organize pop-up Thanksgiving food drives at Sligh Magnet Middle School. This site is 1 of the 10 holiday distribution sites this partnership is organizing for the fourth straight year. Founder and WWE Global Ambassador Thaddeus Bullard believes these events are crucial, especially in a zip code with some of the highest rates of child poverty in the state.

“Today’s event is to help restore hope and dignity. Inflation is a real thing. Gas is still high. The cost of living is still high. The cost of housing is through the roof”

Sometimes that helping hand extends even further, especially with Thaddeus around.

Thad: “Where you gotta go back to?”

Woman: “To the bus stop.”

Thad: “Where you gotta go from there?”

Woman: “…Inaudible…”

Thad: “Do you have an address? Alright, just leave this here. Don’t worry about the bag, I’ll call an Uber.”

Woman: “Thank you.”


Thad: “The mission is to serve people, all people, from all different walks, all different backgrounds. You know, we just had people that caught 3 or 4 busses to get here so that they can have a good meal on the table for their family. I wasn’t gonna let them ride 3 buses back. For those that are in a position, regardless of what that something is, do something”

The Bullard Family Foundation’s mission to help build character and improve outcomes shines through its volunteers, even from newcomers like Zack Lemke. Thaddeus recognizes this.

“I just believe in helping out as much as I can. You know, that’s my goal. You know, I come from a little bit of a dark past and ultimately what I’m trying to do here is just serve the people in any way I can. That’s what I’m trying to do. For me, it warms my heart.”

“These volunteers that have come out here today, many of them have served the Bullard Family Foundation for years because you can see the joy on people’s faces. You can see every single person here is engaged.”

The Bullard Family Foundation also sponsors the Prosperity Center at Sligh Magnet Middle School. It’s run by Bay Area Legal Services and is aimed at establishing stability and alleviating poverty in the Sligh area community.

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