Bumble, Butterball partner for Thanksgiving Day promotion

Bumble, the online app known for forming platonic relationships, and Butterball Turkey have partnered together to help those in need this Thanksgiving.

Bumble recently conducted a survey on there target demographic of 25- to 34-year-old adults to see what they want most out of the holiday season. They found that half of those that responded to the survey wished for groups in their social circles.

So Bumble reached out to Butterball with there new promotional features, Friendsgiving. The Friendsgiving feature will match a person with others looking for Thanksgiving Day plans. They can also join other parties, invite people to their own celebration, or collaborate a co-hosting event.

Butterball and Bumble will host several in-person and virtual gatherings where guests can meet each other and swap recipes along with cooking tips. People can also call the Turkey Talkline for more cooking help at 800-BUTTERBALL or text them at 844-877-3456.

A person must have the Bumble With Friends app to participate. To follow the Friendsgiving event visit findyourtable2023.com.

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